floof war part 3

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The thrilling conclusion maybe.

Dark and ganz were on the stage still mentally recovering the thing that happened a minute ago.she didn't hear the announcer deemed her second place.
Dark:huh,oh uh thanks.
She gets off now its abyss vs ganz mel knows its gonna turn into world war 3 if they choose abyss.
Announcer:and the winner is...ganz!
Dark,mel,raph aushra,shade,leo,donnie,mikey sigh in relief.
He grabs the trophy and teleports to the group.
Ganz:ok,now we can go back home.
Mikey:celebration pizza!
Ganz looks behind him seeing abyss.
Abyss:I'll see you around.
He walks away from them.
Leo:ok then,that went well.
Lust:so darky,you're a goddess now I've always wanted to -
Raph pulled his sais out and used the handle to push him away.
Raph:my goddess.
Lust:take a joke hun.~
They all teleport home Lilith giggling as she played with her toys.
Dark:how's my baby sister doing.
Mel aushra and shade were silent as dark twitches.
Dark:did you just say my name?
Dark:I'm so proud of you!
She scoops her up and cuddles.
Aushra:can you say aushra?
Mel:this is so cute.
Shade:thank you for babysitting April.
April:no problem shade.Lilith was easy to take care of.all she did was sleep Casey tried to wake her up but got attacked.
Dark:good job Lilith.
Lilith happy squeaks.

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