I love you??

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Jen's Pov

Today is Saturday and the kids are with Marc and Cynthia so me and Alex are spending the day together and his taking me to these random places.

Alex's Pov

I want today to be a special and fun day with me and Jennifer. First I'm taking her zip lining cause she has always wanted to do but is to afraid.

Jen's Pov

Alex's takes me to a zip lining place and my heart is beating so fucking fast I can't take it. Somehow I actually go up to the place and I'm supposed to go and I'm way toooo scared so I'm just standing there in fear. Then Alex just says in my ear "I love you" so I go.

Alex's Pov

I just told Jen I love her but she went from the zip line. Maybe she didn't hear me or something or she was just to scared at the moment. I'll try say it again at lunch.

Jen's Pov

Alex just told me he loves me and I am in total shock kind of. Okay I knew we would get their eventually but I'm scared cause the last people I have said those three words to, our relationship ended up going to shit so I am scared of saying it again.

Alex's Pov

We're at lunch and me and Jen are just talking and she makes a funny joke so here is the perfect chance. "Oh my gosh, I love you" I say as I'm laughing.

Jen's Pov

Alex said he loves me again and I'm frozen and don't know what to say so I just quickly change the topic by asking something about his daughters before things get awkward.

Alex's Pov

I said it again and she just quickly changed the topic. Does she not love me, I'm going to try one more time and if she doesn't say it ama get pissed.

Jen's Pov

Me and Alex are just on the beach walking and talking. When we reach the end of the beach we have a moment and we look into each others eyes and he kissed me and says I love you. Idk what to do so I just kiss him again.

Alex's Pov

Okay that's enough now. I've said if 3 times today and she keeps trying to ignore it.
"What the fuck Jen?" I say. 

"What's the problem?" she says trying to act naive.

"I've tried to say I love you thrice today and you have ignored me each time"

"Ummm..." she says

"Just say you don't love me then" I say

"Alex it's not like that" she says

"Then what is it like?" I say

Then there is an awkward silence. The drive to me dropping her home is really awkward then out of no where she starts crying and even though I'm upset I try to ask her what's wrong.

Jen's Pov

I'm crying in the car because I'm to afraid to tell Alex I love him which I really do because of all the men that have deeply hurt me in my past but I really don't want to loose Alex. I think he may actually be the one but if I tell him I love him I would be putting my heart on the line for him to be able to break it and I don't think I can survive another break-up. 

Alex's Pov

Even though I am kinda mad at Jen since she is crying I need to put my pettiness aside and be a good boyfriend. So I try comfort her.

"Jen are you okay?"

"Yeah, Alex I'm fine." she says in a shaky voice.

"Okay look it's fine if you can't say it. Forget that. Let's go to my house and watch movies and eat ice-cream, okay?"


Jen's Pov

Alex is literally the sweetest person on this planet. I really do love him I just wish I could say it out loud cause he really deserves it. We get to his house and he puts blankets on the couch and makes popcorn and also brings ice-cream. This is going to be so fun.

Alex's Pov

I think Jen is enjoying the movie we are watching. At some point she started lying on my chest. Out of no where she looks up into my eyes and says I love you.

Jen's Pov

I just decided to tell Alex those 3 words because if he did this for me and planned this whole day he deserves it. I think after 3 divorces, 4 engagements and hundreds of boyfriends I found the right one for me.

Alex's Pov

After a while we both fall asleep as were watching the movies then we are woken up by Cynthia bringing Tashi and Ella back from her house.

Hope you liked it..

Will update soon

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