Telling the kids

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Jen's Pov

Me and Alex have been seeing each other for like a month now. I think it's time we tell the kids about us. We're on a date but his on his phone😒. Alex is the perfect guy except the fact that he is always on his phone. 

"Papi," I say but he stays on his phone.

"Alex!" I shout, he finally looks up from his phone.

"Oh sorry. Yes baby."

"I think it's time we tell our families about us. Don't you think?"

"Ummm... I guess we can," he says sounding unsure.

"Why do u sound like you don't want to tell them?" I ask.

"Because.  You know how I used to be a player?"

"Yeah. And soooo?"

"Well my family never wanted me to date any celebrity again, so they will probably be rude to you and tell you really bad things about me."

"Wtf?" I say in total confusion.

"Well it's cause they kinda want you to know what your getting yourself into."

"Okay, I guess."

"So how are we going to do this?" He asks.

"I was thinking first we start with the kids but we don't necessarily tell them but slowly make them find out."

"Huh?" He asks confused.

"Okay like you'll be coming to my house often and vise vasa then we slowly do things like kiss. Does that make sense?"

"Yes. So when do we start?"


"Why so sooon?"

"Well you can drop me of home and I'll introduce you as my friend. Is that ok?"

"Yah sure."

Alex's Pov 

We are driving to her house from our date and I'm kind of scared and Jen can see that so she holds my hand and says that it's going to be fine. Jen introduced me to her twins Max and Emme and I think they actually like me and they seem pretty nice. We talked for a bit and then after a while I said goodbye and left.

Jen's Pov 

As soon as I closed the door after Alex left my kids started asking me a lot of questions.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Emme asked

"Mom you promised, " Max said

"Don't worry guys, his just my friend that I made recently," I said lying to them.

After a while they believed me and said I better not be dating anyone. I went to my room and I'm just kind of worried that they will never accept Alex because they don't want me to see anyone. 

Alex's Pov 

I'm kind of worried about how Jen's plan is going to go because my kids made it clear they don't want me to see celebrities and am pretty sure Jen mentioned how her kids don't want her to see anyone either. I guess I just need to be hopeful for the future.

Jen's Pov 

Me and Alex have been doing my method for a few weeks now and I'm just at his house hanging our with Tashi and Ella and I think they actually really like me. They ask me for advise and stuff and they sometimes say they are happy their dad found a 'friend' like me. So I'm about to leave there house and am at the door but like in the house then Alex says it's time and his gonna kiss me in a low voice then he kisses me.

Alex's Pov 

Jen's seems shocked that I kissed her but we eventually have to tell the kids so I just sped up the process for us.  She looks at me and hits my arm a bit and says bye and leaves. Immidiatelly after she leaves the kids start asking and saying like a thousand things.

"I knew she was your girlfriend, " Tashi says.

"Why her. I don't like her!" Ella says

"Guys calm down. Ella why don't you like her?"

"Because I don't like anyone your with."

"But u seemed to be getting along with her these past few weeks."

"That's because she was your friend, or so I thought. I just don't want you to be with anyone."

"Why not?"

"Just because."

"Well how about you Tashi? "

"For the first time ever I actually like a girl your dating, she seems like she genuinely cares about us even though we've only known her for a few weeks."

"Okay well at least one of you guys like her."

Later that day Jen called me.


"Hi Jen. "

"What did they say did, they like me?"

"Well one of them."



"Why didn't Ella like me. I thought we were getting along well?"

"Well she said she liked you when she thought we were friends but she doesn't like anyone I date."


"Ikr. This is going to be an extremely hard process."

"I'm scared to see what my kids are going to say."

"Same. I guess we should just hope for the best."

"Okay. Bye!"


I was thinking of saying love you but was scared she wouldn't feel the same way. Maybe I'll say it next me we meet.

Sorry for updating late...

Hope u liked it.

Will update sooner next time.

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