A Mistake

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Jen's Pov

It's been a few months since the whole party thing and I moved in with Alex. I'm currently in the gym working out without Alex because he is traveling for work. As I'm working out I feel someone tap me on the shoulder and when I look back to my surprise I see Casper.

"Hi Casper"

"Hi Jennifer, How are you?" he replies.

"I'm good and you?"

"Good, how have you been?"

"I've been ok, just working as usual and spending time with Alex and the kids. And you?"

"Just working. Would you like to catch up sometime?"

"Sure" I say not wanting to be rude.

"What's your number?"

"Let me put it in your phone."

"Okay" he said as he gave his phone.

At that moment I contemplated whether I should give him a fake number or not. I just decided not to be rude and give him my real number.

"Okay here" I said as I gave him back his phone.

"I need to go but it was nice seeing you again" I said.

"Nice seeing you too."

What did I just do. That was probably a dumb decision and I hate to admit it but I actually do miss him sometimes but I'm kind of hoping he won't reach out because everything in my life right now is perfect.

Casper's Pov

Today I was at the gym and I saw Jennifer at the gym. She looks really nice and I kinda miss her. When I saw her face it was like all the emotions came rushing back. I hope we can meet up in the near future.

3 days laterr...

I decided to call her and ask her if she wants to have lunch with me in my apartment. I feel like the apartment is too much but I want to cook for her like I used to. I decide I'll just try to ask her and if she says no she says no and if she says yes I'll make her the best meal she has ever eaten.

Jen's Pov

I was just sitting at home with Alex when I got a phone call from Casper.

"Who is it?" Alex asked.

I had to think of a lie quickly so he doesn't suspect anything, even though there is nothing to suspect. I considered telling the truth for a second then quickly changed my mind.

"Uhmm, it's Leah." I lied.

"Oh ok" he said.

I walked away until I was far enough not to be heard by him then picked up the call.

"Hi, Casper" I said kind of quietly

"Hi Jennifer," he said, sounding kind of excited and shocked that I picked up. To be honest I was shocked that I picked up.

"How are you?"

"Good and you?"

"I'm good."

Casper's Pov

I kind of froze for a second when I heard her voice. It's so perfect, I miss her a lot more than I thought I did.

"So why did you call me?" she asked since I wasn't saying anything.

"Oh sorry. I wanted to ask if you wanted to meet me for lunch on Friday."

Jen's Pov

I considered it for a second and just decided to say yes cause it's not that much of a big deal. Well I hope so.

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