A Mistake Part 2

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Jen's Pov

Me and Casper are currently making out. I quickly realize what's going on and push him away.

"What's wrong?" he asks

"This was a mistake," I say grabbing my purse and heading to the door.

"Wait!" Casper shouts


He comes closer to me and kisses me but I didn't pull away cause it felt like more of a goodbye kiss. After like 10 seconds he slowly backs away.

"Bye" he says

"Please don't tell anyone about this" I say worried it will reach the press.

"Don't worry" he says

I quickly walk out the door and head to my car.

Casper's Pov

I'm shocked at what just happened but at least she's the one who kissed me so it technically isn't my fault. It felt good to feel her lips on mine again. Hopefully we will meet again one day but at least I had the perfect day with her.

Jen's Pov

What the fuck just happened. What the fuck did I just do. Thank God it didn't go any further or that would have literally been the death of me. Should I tell Alex? I can't live with this guilt. I think I should just tell him. He has cheated on people so maybe he will be understanding and it didn't even go that far. I need to find the perfect moment to tell him tho. After a while I reached home and saw Alex sitting on the couch watching baseball.

"Hey, Jen," he said.


"How was your lunch?" Once he said that I started panicking wondering how he knew about me having lunch with Casper then I quickly remembered I lied that I'm going for lunch with Leah.

"Oh ummm, it was good" I said in a nervous tone

All I'm thinking about right now is how I can't kiss Alex. I need to wash my mouth with a tonne load of soap because I feel disgusting and I don't want to kiss Alex with another man's lips on my mouth.

Alex's Pov

"How is she?" I ask

"She's good. Um I need to go upstairs" she said sounding kind of scared

"Okay" I said as she was walking up the stairs

Jen came back from her lunch with Leah and she's been acting weird. First of all when she comes back from anywhere she usually kisses me and she hasn't. Second of all she is acting kind of nervous about the questions I'm asking her and she never leaves that soon into a conversation. She was acting the same way when she got that phone call. Now I'm actually starting to get a bit concerned and worried. Maybe it's just because she is extra busy nowadays, well at least I hope.

Jen's Pov

I think Alex has noticed how weird I'm acting but I have to ignore him just a bit until I can tell him what happened and also I need to do my best to avoid Casper.


Alex's Pov

Since Jen came back from lunch on Friday she's been ignoring me and I'm thinking of just asking her straight to her face, hopefully she finally tells me the truth. We are just having lunch at home and I finally get the guts to ask her.


"Yah" she said

"Why have you been ignoring me?" I asked being worried about her answer

Jen's Pov

I'm eating lunch with Alex when suddenly he calls my name in a serious tone making me slightly nervous. I reply then he asks me why I've been ignoring him. I'm scared but at the same time relieved that I don't have to hide this anymore.

"Promise me you won't get mad" I said

"Depends on what it is" he replied

"So when you went on your business trip I went to the gym and met Casper then we had a normal conversation then he said we should meet up for lunch then he asked for my number"

"And you gave it to him?" he asked looking disappointed

"Yes" I replied anxiously

For a second there was an awkward silence.

"Then what happened?" he asked sounding slightly angry

"He called me and asked if I wanted to go for lunch so I said yes thinking it would be at a restaurant then he sent me an address which ended up being his house. Then I went in and there was this lunch set up"

"So it was basically a date?" he asked, getting more tense each second I was telling the story.

"Yes. Then we ate lunch then watched a movie"

"Okay was the movie necessary?" Alex asked

"No but he asked and I didn't want to be rude so I just agreed. Then I was about to leave but he asked me if we could dance"

"Seriously? Please tell me you said no"

"I agreed then we were dancing then we ended up kissing"

"Just a kiss though" he asked

"Okay we a make out" I said trying to be honest

"Wow. Would you also have had sex with him" he asked angrily

"No I wouldn't have"

"Please just get out" he said

"Excuse me?" I asked

"Get the fuck out!"

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