chapter 8

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I dragged him on the stairs and made sure that he banged his head on every single step on the way.

I dragged him to the trap door he had sent Janet and I multiple times into then went for a chair and tied him up , after duck taped his mouth.

I went back to our room and looked at my sister for the last time.

I guess it was time for a burial.

I closed my eyes to prevent the tears that wanted to come out.

I kissed her cheeks and then wiped the tears that had wet my cheeks eventually.

I went back and pulled out the keys from my dad's pocket and headed out .

After so much dirt and tears , I finally finished and went back inside.

I covered her in a white sheet one more time , then gently held her and went outside to lay her to rest .

I placed her inside the grave but froze in pain to even pour the sand .

I just stood there and reminded myself of the seven years we spent together . I'm sorry I didn't you protect you Janet .

I wiped the tears away and covered her up with the sand.

I finished and placed a photo of both of us on her grave and went to pluck some white roses to adorn it as well .

I wanted to leave but I was rooted to the spot so I decided to sleep beside her the whole night.

" I am so sorry ". - the tears flowed as I apologized.

I woke up when there was too much light shining on my face.

I got up and realized it was morning.

I looked at our front yard I was instantly shocked , the place was beautiful . The whole house was painted blue with beautiful varying colours of roses at the front .

I hated him for this so much.

I went back inside and took my bath .

I gathered tremendous courage and entered the room in bravery .

I looked at the disgusting man's dead body .

I looked away and was at wit's end to wheather I should bury him or not .

After what he had tried to do with you , you are even thinking of burying that filthy man .

I know but

no buts , you will not be burying him.

Maybe you're right .

I took my knife and went to the bed.

I closed my eyes and went back for a white bedsheet in my father's closet to cover him up.

I sighed from relief when I was out because I never want to see another dead body again.

I held the knife tightly in my hand and entered the trapdoor .

I slowly sat in front of him to see if he was awake .

Luckily he was and I am also guessing he must have a headache from yesterday's fun trip on the stairs.

He looked into my eyes with no signs of emotion or pain.

Of course , but I will make sure he feels all the pain he caused her.

He gestured to his lip as I nodded in understanding and ripped the duck tape from mouth. I smiled a little at the bruises it formed so I sat back down .

I know I hurt him real good.

" Scarlet untie me at once ! " - he commanded.

I was silent .

He tried to reach out for me but he seemed to have forgotten that he was all tied up.

I went closer to him and dared him to touch me.

He looked at me and I could see how he was boiling up in anger.

I don't know what happened but I slapped him.


" you should have seen that coming you stupid child , that will teach you never to disobey me , " -. he said with a smirk on his face.

I got so angry that I jabbed the knife in his thigh and I looked into his eyes and spat on him.

I knew it hurt him even though he didn't scream from the pain.

I left the knife in his thigh and went outside .

I missed her so much.

I went back to our room and laid on the bed to calm down and slowly drifted off to sleep.

I was sleeping when I felt a hand tapping me to wake up.

I don't think you should resort to that Scarlet , be the better person .

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