chapter 16

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" ok , well Beatrice came here two and a half years ago . Her last name is Murphy and she has been quiet a lot since she came here . She always keeps to herself ; not really having you know friends or somewhat . That is until Kelsy arrived , she has been following her orders like a puppy "- she began .

" Hmm , that's nice . "- I mumbled .

" So do you like know where Beatrice likes to hang out for her own peace and quiet ? "- i asked as Maya played with her hair .

" Yeah , "- she mumbled again . What's with her and mumbling these days .

" Ok then let's go look for her before Kelsy drags her along "- I said while getting up .

" Come on ! "- I said as I turned back with her still sitting on the bed .

She led the way as we climbed downstairs .

" Hello Maya ! "- Jared greeted with some sort of nervousness .

" Hi Jared , "- Maya responded while she vowed her head.

Ohh I see.

" Enough love signals young lovers , "- I said as I dragged Maya away with a smirk .

" Why would you do that , " - she mumbled .

" So you wanted both of you to look at each other and send all the world signals of love and dramatically do a slow motion before you kiss " - I said as I made kissy faces .

" How do you even know about kissing , "- Maya asked .

" My dad , "- I mumbled with a sigh .

" Oh , sorry about that "- she said with an apologetic smile .

" Nothing to worry about , my annoying disturber ! "- I said to lift the mood up a little .

She led us outside and to be honest is it always this bright during the day . I guess I'm not used to this .

She led us to the porch where Beatrice was reading a book ; perfect , she is all alone .

I started to whistle random tunes as I sat next to her while Maya took the other space .

" So....... Whatch ' ya reading " - I asked In a way Isabella would ask phenias

" Tell me your dreams by Sydney Sheldon , "- she mumbled as she tucked her hair behind her ear .

" Oh my , I love that book ! " - I said excitedly but seriously I have read that book and it's
a- ma - zing .

" Really , You do ? "- she asked with a smile .

" Yeah ,I mean it's the only book I have ever read since my dad prohibited me from reading anymore books but I loved it . I would tell you what happened but I wouldn't want to spoil your read . "- I explained excitedly .

" You are really nice for someone Kelsy talks trash about , "- she mumbled with an apologetic face .

" It's alright , so could you lend me any other books of yours. "- I asked with a pouted lip .

She laughed then shook her head .

" Come on then , let's go to my room , "- she said as she bookmarked her page and got up .

We followed her in and my oh my , her room was okay I guess ; she had this silver and white design going on in here .

I sat down on her bed " you know you are also too kind to be following Kelsy's orders as though you were her lackey or something "- I said as she was going through her collection of books .

" I don't really know about that , I think she actually considers me her friend you know plus I kind of need her . " - she explained .

" What do you mean by you need her ? "- I asked as I urged Maya to also sit on the bed with me but she said no and mouthed something about being rude or something .

Well I don't seem to care .

" it's just that I kind of feel accepted when I'm with her plus I like to feel needed too . "- she said with a sad look on her face .

" Well I think we were all approachable , weren't we ? "- this time Maya asked .

" I know , I guess I was too shy . It's just that I find it hard to you know approach someone that's why I guess I was happy with Kelsy approaching me first . " - she explained as she brought out a book .

" Here , it's The second class citizen ; also an amazing book "- she said as she handed it to me .

" Thanks "- I mumbled .

" Since you have a book now , I think I will be going back to the porch before Kelsy wakes up from her beauty sleep , "- she said with a faint smile .

" But at least are we allowed to visit you ? "- I asked as she reached for the door .

" Of course , maybe we could even form a book club . "- she said we a broad smile this time as we all got out of the room . We waved her and went back to my room .

" So what is your next plan now ? "- Maya asked .

" I don't know , I will just go with the flow . plus she seems like a nice person , "- I said but Maya's face changed .

" Don't worry ,you will always be the first . "- I said as I gave her an awkward hug .

She laughed " The first what ? " - she asked .

" I guess we will never know ! " -I said with a shrug.

I comfortably laid on my bed as I opened the first page of the story book .

" So like do you guys go out like you know out of the house entirely deep into the city ? "- I asked as the thought came to me .

" Yeah , we can go out anyday as long as we ask permission from Miss. Summer . " She said picking up a yoyo and started playing with it .

" That's nice , so can you take me out one of this days ? "- I asked with my face hidden in the book to hide my anxiety .

" Of course ." - she said with a bright smile .

" And what about school , you know like in cartoons . "- I asked as I placed the book on my lap .

" Like in cartoons ? "- she asked with a puzzled look on her face .

" A place where you learn ,"- I replied .

" Oh , well we are homeschooled for the mean time but Miss. Summer said we would be starting actual High school by the end of the month and we are all so excited ."- she said while giggling and jumping on my bed

I am just hoping the experiences are not gruesome like they all sound .


Assalamualaikum guys ,

Thanks for the support 🤗.

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