chapter 13

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I was quiet .

" Well go ahead , you know you can trust me , "-she said .

I kept quiet and read her intently .

She sighed .

" You know , those corrupt men out there are trying their best to send you to jail and not juvy right . If you want to get justice then you better start talking "- she said in outburst .

I just smirked at her then nodded.

" Well my dad called me to his room , I went there and saw them exchanging money . My dad left locking the door leaving me with that dirty man ..."- I narrated everything to her from my dad calling me to his room to finding Janet dead in her own pool of blood .

" I guess we can plead that the killing of the man was of self defense.

" Whatever "- I simply replied .

" Do you have prove that your dad killed your mom and sister ?- She asked me .

" There is a trunk in his room , open it to find the evidence you need plus some evidence of him killing some guy . "- I simply said .

" Ok then , that will be enough , you will soon be a free girl "- she said to me as she rose .

I was led into my cell with new cellmates.

" Come any closer and I will make you cry blood , "- I said to the over- tattoed woman .

She retreated and sat back down .

I growled at her and closed my eyes.

" Anyone who tries to attack me while I sleep will walk out of this cell a cripple , "- I said with my eyes still closed .
I eventually went to dream Land after that.

It has been two days now since I have been locked up in this cell . I hope that blonde lawyer will hurry up in getting me out of here .

Fortunately for my two cellmates , they haven't crossed their limits .

I was lying on the bed as usual when the guard called me to come outside . I obeyed him and was led to a room . They gave me back my stuff and told me that I was bailed .

I got out of there to only see blonde lady resting on what I presume her car.

She gestured for me to come inside and I obeyed since I didn't know anything about this town or where I was .

As she kept driving I asked her

" What's the name of this town ?"

" Spring falls , " - she replied .

And then the silence continued .

" Where is my dad ? "- I asked after a while .

" He's been trialed so he ended up in jail as he should be. "- I smiled * finally *

" Well the reason no one knew he had children was because he convinced the people , he had no children and had divorced his wife . The police got involved when he was reported missing by his boss and it took long because no one knew where he actually lived . Just so you know "- she said with her eyes still on the road .

" Of course "- I scoffed .

" So blonde lady , you have any family ?"- I asked .

" ... " - she replied " and my name is not blonde lady , it's Angelina "-

" I will call you whatever I want blonde lady , "- I challenged.

She just sighed and mumbled .
" Whatever you say Scarlet , ".

We pulled at a stop .
She got down so I followed suit .

" This is your new home " - she said gesturing to a blue and white painted house .

" You live here ?"- I asked her .

" No actually , "- she replied.

" Then why bring me here ? "- I asked.

" Because this is a foster home ."- she replied with a smile .

" Can I have your phone ?" - I asked.

" Sure "- she said as she handed it to me.

" What's your password ?"

" Phoebe , "- she replied .

I unlocked her phone and quickly went to Google what a foster home was .

I read what had appeared on the screen .

I deleted my search and gave her back her phone .

" Ok then , could you bring me my back pack . It's still at home and I don't know the way there "

"Sure ! "- she replied .

I followed her as she walked into the house .

I was sitting outside while blonde lady talked to a not too old woman in her office .

They finally came out after a few minutes .
" Welcome home ! "- the almost Grandma said as she gestured a hand shake .

I shaked her hand .

" Well , see you soon Scarlet !"- blonde lady said before exiting the house .

" I am Miss. Summer and I will be making sure you feel at home here "- she said .

I just nodded and followed her as she climbed the stairs and presumably ; my room.

She unlocked the door and allowed me to settle in while she went back to her business.

The place was ok I guess .
I was immediately overwhelmed by sleep once I saw the bed .

Immediately falling asleep.

I was woken up by an annoying bell.

" Ugh " .

I got up and saw a girl standing by my door.

I just looked at her letting my eyes ask her the questions.

She cleared her throat and placed pajamas by me on the bed .

" Miss. Summer said I should bring you these so you could get ready for dinner and I am Maya by the way , "- she introduced .

I just nodded while she smiled at me before leaving .

* Sigh *

I got up from the bed and freshened up taking my fresh pajamas to wear .

I stayed in my room for a while before finally getting out for lunch ,
climbed down the stairs and was followed down with so many eyes.

I got down and sat on the only available chair which was next to Maya of course.

The multiple eyes were still on me even though I had sat down . I looked into their eyes one by one .

Is that how boys look like ?

  There was at least seven teenagers on the table including my self . I guess they didn't foster younger kids .

Miss. Summer cleared her throat .

" Well children this is Scarlet , your new sister . " she introduced .

Multiple hi's went through the air while I replied with just a nod .

We finished eating and the girls packed the plates inside .We were four girls in total .

I was on my way to my room when I was stopped by Maya.

" The others would want to get to know you more , "- she said .


Scarlet ! When did you become like this , don't let him change you !

* Sighs out of faustration *

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