Chapter 29

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I heard the a creak as the door was slightly being opened .

I yawned and tapped on Mark's shoulder ; " wake up , wake up , wake up "- I whispered but he was still sound asleep .

I think it was a nurse since I saw the uniform peeking out from the door .

No , no , I don't want them to think something happened between us ,- I - I'm not some cheap girl . What do I do , what do I do !

I pushed Mark of the bed as I heard a loud groan from Mark as he suffered in pain on the hard floor.

The nurse's smile vanished after seeing a groaning Mark on the floor .

" What happened to you ? "- she asked him .

" Nothing , "- he mumbled as he threw daggers at me .

I uncomfortably smiled at him and tried very hard not to look into his eyes again .

" He fell from the couch ! " - I blurted to the nurse .

I heard a growl but managed to give him a smile as he got up to sit on the couch .

She tried to help him up but Mark insisted he was fine .

" Ok then , let's check your vitals ! "- she sang as she examined me .

She got out and later brought in my breakfast and laid it on my lap .

All the while , Mark continued to stare at me in silence as he watched my every move .

" I'll see you later in the afternoon !"- the nurse said with a smile before leaving the room .

I didn't know Mark could be this scary ; l mean I'm even afraid to look into his eyes .

I awkwardly took my spoon as I ate my cereal with an intensional slurring noise from my spoon and mouth .

I'm kind of , maybe a little scared that if the room becomes silent ; he might attack me .

I eventually finished my breakfast ; laid it on the side as I cleared my throat .
" I - I * gulp *- I'm remorseful for the forgiving stunt I pulled before the nurse came in , "- I said with an awkward smile .

I heard a chuckle and threw my pillow at him .

" What is wrong with you ! "- I yelled .

He got up from the couch and slowly walked towards me making sure I heard every single step he took in coming close to me .

" What are you doing ? "- I said as I shifted a bit in my bed .

He continued to walk towards me In . Complete . Silence .

No way , I'm not afraid . He looks so different right now from the time I had lived with them .

" I'm not afraid of you ! "- I said with my head held high .

He kept walking until he reached my bed .

" If you touch me Mark , I will make sure all your teeth fall off !"- I said looking him straight in the eye .

He held both my shoulders as he laid me on the bed and covered me with the bedsheet ; kissed my forehead before walking away and leaving me in complete shock .

What . Just . Happened .

1 . Remember to never push Mark off the bed ever again . Check √.

I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep again ; he made me feel like my old self again and that wasn't good . Nobody will make me tremble like that ever again . I will make sure to get prepared for Mark next time .

I heard the door open again ; I shook my head " Mark I'm not scared anymore ! "- I said with a smirk .

" Mark ? "- I heard a woman's voice .

I opened my eyes as I sat up straight .

" What do you want blonde lady ! "- I asked with a raised brow .

" Can't a lawyer care for her client and when will you stop calling me blonde lady ? "- he remarked as she sat on the couch .

" I know nothing about that ! "- I mumbled as pulled the bedsheet to cover my waist downwards . Why is cold here all of a sudden .

I shivered .

" So was the Mark boy here ? "- she asked and placed her bag beside her .

" Yes , "- I replied .

" He must really care , Colourful room by the way . " - she said with a smile .

" I feel very uncomfortable when you compliment something of mine so please don't do it again ! "- I said with a freaked out face .

So uncomfortable !

" And how are Margaret and Enrique ? "- I asked as she came in mind .

" Oh , she is to be trialed in three days but don't worry , I will make sure that she pays for everything in jail "- she vowed .

" That's fine but what about Ryan ? "- I asked in a rushed tone .

" Ryan ? "- She asked .

" The guy who called the police , I thought you were the lawyer here ! " - I remarked .

" Mind your language young woman ! "- she said in a scolding tone .

" Sorry but seriously, what happened to him ? "- I asked again .

" Oh , I know nothing about a Ryan . "- she said as she looked at me as though I was crazy .

" Don't look at me like that ! "- I said as I covered myself whole under the bedsheet .

" Fine , "- she said as she gave a surrendering hands up .

" Anyway so how are you feeling ? "- she asked while her hand laid on my forehead .

"Obviously better than I used to be last two and a half month ago "- I said with a sad smile .

" I'm sorry about that , anyway Miss. Summer sends her regards and apologises for not being able to visit . "- she explained .

I mumbled something I couldn't understand myself then sighed .

" I've talked to the doctors and we have agreed to let you get discharged in two days "- she said as she also kissed my forehead .

" Eww "- I gasped as I wiped the spot with the back of my hand .

She chuckled as she opened the door to leave .

" I love you too Scarlet ! "- she closed the door with a smile .

" Well I hate you ! "- I yelled after her but I'm not sure she heard it so I will have to wait to say it to her face .
I'm not going to sit here and have someone think ; I love them . Blech .

I laid back in the bed as I tried to fall asleep again . Now how am I going to sleep now with blonde lady thinking that I love her .
Love ? No way , I have to make it known to her that I . Do . Not . Love . Her .


Your rambling makes it hard to believe you though 🧐

When I Finally Step Out . Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt