Chapter 31

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My room was pretty impressive ; she had painted the walls white with flower patterns at the end of every wall .

My soft purple bedsheet , rug .
A walk in closet ; a dressing mirror by the wall with a desk at the far corner .

This is amazing !

I immediately got swallowed up in the softness of the bed as it served as a passage way to welcome me to sleep .

6 hours later .

* knock , knock *

I heard the taps on the door .

" Scarlet , can you please come out . It's time for dinner ! " - I heard blonde lady say behind the door .

" Ok , "- I mumbled as I stripped myself and took a refreshing bath .

Nice ; the gels smell like flowers .
I took a while since I felt sticky from being in the hospital that long .

I wrapped myself with a towel and walked inside my walk-in closet to get into one of my pajamas ; yellow .

I Let my hair down wet so it would naturally dry .

I stepped out of my room as I walked down the stairs to meet an already seated blonde lady in the kitchen .

" Hi , "- I mumbled before taking a seat by her .

I took off the lid as I prayed before digging into it .

" How is the spaghetti ? "- Blonde lady asked with a smile.

" Meh , I've tasted better . "- I responded while asking for seconds .

" Are you sure ? "- she asked with a laugh .

" Of course , do I look like I'm joking ? "- I replied as I took a bite from a meatball .

" Forget about the food and let's talk about serious matters ; Like Margaret . "- I said as I sipped from my glass of water .

" Well she's been trialed and sentenced to 45 years in prison "- she said with a smirk obviously happy she sent her to prison .

" Whatever and Enrique , I hope you made sure he will be serving almost seventy years . "- I asked as I stared at her .

" Actually no , he was sentenced to 30 years in prison , " - she replied with a shrug .

" I guess it's better than him roaming the streets free , "- I mumbled finishing my plate .

" Wait , haven't you still heard from Ryan ? "- I yelled from the Kitchen .

" I'm sorry but no , it might have been your imagination playing tricks on you . "- she replied as she also arrived in the kitchen .

I washed her plates as well and went to sit in the living room .

" I'm very sure , I didn't imagine Ryan , "- I mumbled .

" Do you know where the other kids live ? "- i asked while giving her the remote to put something good on for the night .

" Other kids ?"- she asked with a raised eyebrow .

" Yes , what do you expect me to call them . "- I asked with a shook of my head .

" Maybe for example , friends "- she replied with a slight chuckle .

" Definitely not , for now they are just acquaintances . "- I remarked .

"What are we watching " - watching what was going on .

" Teen Titans , "- she replied .

" I thought we were going to watch a movie about humans "- I stared at her with a frown .

" Ok let's watch just add magic "- she finally gave up and agreed to watch human series with me .

" Now that's what I'm talking about , I'm tired of watching cartoons . "- I said with a smile as I attentively watched what was happening . I hope I understand this one ?

" So ... Acquaintances you care about , "- she brought the topic back .

" Ughh , but it's getting interesting "- I groaned diverting my gaze from the television to blonde lady.

" Stop looking at me like that , I can just pause it ! "- she said as she pressed a button which froze the people in the television . Wow !

" * Sigh * yes acquaintances I care about . "- I replied with my hands folded on my chest.

" Ok then "- grinning happily.

" So what did you adopt me for ? "- I bluntly asked while diverting my gaze back to the people frozen on the television .

" I don't know , maybe because I like you . "- she replied with a shrug .

" You are crazy for saying that but anyways what about your husband , I don't see any man of the house roaming around ."- I asked even though I don't know when this conversation even started but I'm just going to go with the flow .

" * Clears throat * we are kind of divorced . "- she said with teary eyes .

" Don't worry about it , men are just heartless animals who don't know how to treat women . "- I spat out in anger still staring at the frozen people .

" Not all men at least , you just have to find the right one . Which is very difficult by the way . "- she said with a laugh .

" Well , suit yourself but I know I'm definitely not going to get married to any of those heartless wolves . "- I said with a scoff .

" I'm sure you will have a change of heart with Mark . "- she said she got up and walked to the kitchen .

" Yeah , the day my sister comes back to me . "- I mumbled .

" Hurry up , blonde lady . I have a marathon movie to catch up with "- I yelled after her .

" Coming ! " - she yelled back .

" To think this is maybe the fourth movie I've watched with humans being the characters .

" Here , " - I heard blonde lady say as she handed me ICE CREAM !

" So I'm going to be living like a queen in this house , right ?. Nothing to do ; just sleep , eat , sleep , eat "- I asked as I landed the sweet melting goodness on my taste buds .

" Of course not , you will be going to school . "- scooping a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth.

" School ? , I thought I was done with it ! "- I yelped placing my ice cream on the centre table .

" No , you still have a lot to learn , Scarlet . "- she replied undisturbed .

" I just thought that when I was no longer going to school , that it was all ! "- I was definitely angry but couldn't take it out on my ice cream .

" You do know how to read and write right ? "- she asked alarmed .

" Yes , my mom was teaching us before she left "- I replied as I closed my eyes to make the tears stay in.

" How old were you when she left ? "- she asked with a saddened look .

" 11 "- I simply replied .

" Oh I'm ver ---- "- I cut her .

" Enough nosing around in my personal stuff , stop with the pity , pity look . Just tell me about the school I will be attending "- I remarked as I tasted another spoon not wanting to delve in on my past and she definitely doesn't need to see me cry .

" You need to learn to be polite to me * sigh * but you will be attending Flower bloom High School and it's the best around here too. "- she replied .

" When will I be starting then? "- I asked .

" On Monday , "- she replied as the marathon movie I was watching continued by a press of a button by blonde lady .

" But today is Friday ! "- I gasped .


Hands up if you think Scarlet is going to get into a fight on the first day 👆.

Kindly vote and comment .

When I Finally Step Out . Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum