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"Toooobin-" I called out to my significant other, who was roasting his marshmallows over a fire. I heard him sigh as he stood up, still holding the rod over the hot coals.

"Yes, Y/N?" he asked, turning to face me with an annoyed look on his face. I grinned evilly and put my arms behind my back innocently.

"Ohhhh I don't know," I said, gripping the water gun tightly behind my back. When he was looking off to the side, I brought it out and shot him right in the butt.

"HEY!!" he yelled unexpectedly, dropping his marshmallow rod and grabbing where I shot him. I giggled in response and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Nice one, Y/N!" Gray yelled from the porch with a wild smile on his face. "Where can I get one of those?" he asked, looking over at Clair whose eyes were as wide as ever. I laughed in response and looked back at Tobin who was not happy.

"That was not nice, Y/N," he said wiping his butt. As much as it made me smile and laugh to see him caught off guard, he didn't seem to enjoy it as usual.

"You seem more stoic than usual," I pointed out, putting my hands on my hips. "Usually you would put up with it, but this time you seem genuinely annoyed."

"That's because I am," he said, massaging his brow. I sighed and looked down.

"I'm sorry Tobin," I said rubbing my leg. He didn't respond but instead walked away. I couldn't believe how mad he was at me. As I sat there in self-pity, I suddenly felt a cold burst of water on my head. I looked up in shock to see Tobin with an armful of water balloons.

"HEY!!" I yelled much like him before. He chuckled and motioned for me to run. I started to laugh as I ran away from him. "Gray, help!" I called out to my friend, but it turned out that he was getting in on the fun too, with an armful of water balloons.

"Gray you better not-" Clair started as he threw one as hard as he could at her. She gasped and ran towards him to smack him, but he was too quick.

"Gotcha!" he exclaimed as he joined in with Tobin to run after me.

"Not you too, Gray!" I whined as I tried to run faster. My legs were ready to give out.

"Best of luck, Y/N!" Clair called as she walked back inside to dry off.

After a while of running, I was soaked with water, and somehow Tobin and Gray were too. Gray had left to go check on Clair, and hopefully not get a scolding, so that left me and Tobin by our lonesome.

"You know I love you," I whispered to Tobin, kissing his wet cheek. He hummed in return and rolled on top of me.

"We make a good wet sandwich," he said in between laughs as we hugged each other- both completely drenched.

"You never said you love me too," I frowned, giving him the puppy eyes.

"Need I really say it?" he asked, gesturing to the ring on my left hand. I thought for a second and kissed his forehead.

"No, you don't. I know you love me more than anything," I said snuggling into his wet neck. He kissed my head.

"I don't mean to interrupt our cuddle fest, but let's go change into warm clothes. Then we can take a nap together. Sounds good?" he asked. I nodded in response and he got up and picked me up to carry me inside. Never had I been happier.

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