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definitely one of the longer ones i have written, and one of my most enjoyed stories to write. i really REALLY enjoyed writing this, and i may actually make this a part 2 to a story and put a prequel before this happened! enjoy!

"Hey, Ike," I said, approaching him as he sharpened his sword, "you ready to train today?"

"Yeah, of course, Y/N, you know I'm always looking to get stronger," he replied, intensely looking down at his sword. It had been a few months since Greil's death, and Ike still wasn't sure how to feel about it all. I felt bad for him and offered to train with him to keep his mind off of the recent event.

"I'll go grab the training swords and meet you down by the pond. Sound good?" I asked, looking down at him.

"Yeah, that's fine," he answered with a melancholy tone to his voice. Was he trying to guilt-trip me or something? His tone of voice really indicated to me that something was wrong. I just couldn't help but feel so bad for him.

"I-Is something the matter?" I hesitated to ask, knowing that it might bring me into rough territory.

"Well yes, and no. While I am upset about my father, I just can't get something else off my mind as well. But it's really no big deal. Let's just train so I can try to forget about my stress for a while." Ike was still looking down at his sword, polishing the blade. I sighed and walked off to grab the training swords from the convoy. I understood how it felt to lose someone close since I lost my family at a young age, but I didn't witness it, nor did it have a large impact since I was so young. To me, nothing could ever compare to the feelings that Ike was having.

When I returned with the wooden training swords, he was still in the same position, looking at his blade in the same way.

"I'm back," I said quietly, setting the swords on the ground and then laying my hand on his shoulder. He tensed at my touch, but then dropped his shoulders.

"Yeah, let's just go." Ike stood up and grabbed a sword from the ground. As he stood up, his eyes met mine and I flashed him a smile. He only gave me a slight smile in return.

'What could be on his mind that's troubling him so much, besides the fact that his dad died?' I thought to myself as I followed behind him.

The walk to the training ground was quiet, but not an awkward quietness. I decided to keep to myself since I figured that Ike would appreciate the quietness rather than idle chatter and dull conversation starters. I did happen to notice that Ike was walking quicker than usual, and I had a hard time keeping up with him at times but stayed as close as I could. When we finally arrived, I couldn't wait to break the silence.

"Okay, Ike, don't go easy on me!" I exclaimed, brandishing my sword. He smiled like the Ike I once knew and picked up his sword as well.

"Oh, I don't intend to!" he exclaimed back, still with a smile on his face.

After a while of sword fighting and hand-to-hand combat, I was pooped. I felt myself drop my sword and get sleepy.

"I-Ike I think I need a nap-" I said as I fell to the ground. Ike rushed over to me. The last thing I saw before I passed out was his concerned face above mine.

When I woke up, I had my back to a tree and Ike was next to me- his arm around me and his head laid on mine except now he was the one who was fast asleep and I was the one awake. I chuckled and nudged his arm, trying to wake him up gently.

"Huh?" Ike mumbled, trying to take in his surroundings.

"You fell asleep," I said, smiling. He looked over at me, a dark blush covering his face.

"I-I did..." he replied, looking down at the ground. I nudged his arm again and laid my head on his shoulder.

"I could stay like this forever," I smiled, closing my eyes. I could feel Ike turn his head to look down at me.

"Y-You could?" he asked, obviously flustered.

"Yes, I could. Ike, I've liked you for as long as I've known you. We have so much in common.... And soon enough those friendly emotions turned into something else." I spoke softly. I opened my eyes and looked up to him. He was wide-eyed and his blush seemed to get darker the more I looked at him. Without hesitation, he leaned down to kiss me- his lips were warm and soft as they met mine. I immediately kissed him back, resting my hand on the back of his neck. We stayed there for a moment before pulled away to look me back in the eyes.

"There's my answer to that. And to answer you from earlier- it was you who was bothering me. It wasn't anything you said or did, it was just... I wasn't sure how to approach you about my feelings... I've never liked a girl before like this..." he blushed, guiding my head back to his shoulder. I dropped my head in the crook of his neck and rested it there for a moment before speaking again.

"Thank you, Ike," I said.

"I should be thanking you," he replied, "you helped me sort out my emotions and also helped me train. You really are the best."

I giggled at his remark. "You know... What if we stayed here for the rest of the day?" I asked, holding him closely. Ike didn't respond with words- rather he laid down and pulled me on top of him to lay with him. I watched as he closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around me. I followed suit and closed my eyes as well, resting my hands on his chest.

"I love you," Ike said before dozing off.

"I love you too," I responded, snuggling ever closer to fall back asleep.

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