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a short and sweet one for my (2nd) favorite echoes redhead! <3

"Another drink for me, Lass!" a drunken Saber exclaimed while holding his empty beer mug high in the air. I sighed and stopped wiping the table to retrieve the mug from his hand. "W-While you're at it L-Lass, get yourself a -hicc- drink too!" he shouted, causing me to turn red.

"Maybe another time, Saber," I responded. This sort of behavior was not abnormal for the ginger man, especially on a Friday night.

I swiftly filled his beer mug with his favorite brew, which of course I knew by heart at this point, and took the mug back over to him.

"Is this better?" I asked with a hand on my hip, setting it in front of him.

"A-Anything from a -hicc- pretty lady like y-yourself is good -hicc- enough for me," he stammered, bringing the mug upto his face. Once again, I felt myself heat up as I watched him take another swig from his mug. I chuckled and shook my head. I walked back to my original job, which was wiping the tables.

It must have been 5 minutes until I heard Saber belt out another request. Although the tavern was busy, I was able to pick out his voice like a sore thumb from all of the other guests. After all, he started frequenting the tavern as soon as I started working... which was 2 years ago.

"Hey, Y/N!" he belted. I sighed. 'What now?' I thought. I sighed and collected myself and walked over to him.

"Yes?" I responded to him, setting my hand down on the table. He leaned in towards me with his hands under his chin. He had a smug smile on his face.

"Go out with me." he said, still keeping that smug smile on his face. Somehow, I felt that he was able to control his drunkenness- he seemed so 'in the moment' and sober. Suddenly, I felt like the drunk one.

"W-What?!" I nearly yelled. He looked me right in the eyes.

"Did I stutter?" he asked, plain and simple. I hid my face in my hands out of embarrassment and shied away.

"No..." I replied quietly.

"No you won't go?" He asked, wide eyed.

"N-No that's not what I meant," I responded, "I meant that no, you didn't stutter." I clarified.

"So... Is that a yes for the date?" he asked. Although he was keeping a cool facade, I was sure that he was nervous on the inside.

"Of course, Saber. You have been my favorite patron and my rowdiest patron for years... I could never get enough of you..." I said quietly. Saber jumped up in the air with his beer mug in hand.

"YES!" he exclaimed. "I'll take a victory pint, Lass! Fill 'er up! Everyone's beer on the house!" he cheered. Everyone turned around to look at him, but that didn't deter Saber from being loud and proud. I laughed and took the beer mug from his hands and back to the keg. Never will I get enough of him.

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