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I wrapped my towel around my bare body and walked towards the springs. After a long night of commanding the army, I really needed some time to myself. As I approached the sauna, I could hear some discourse from inside.

"Rumour has it..." one voice said, "our prince has a crush on that new tactician girl," I instantly blushed. What? I thought to myself. The crown prince has a crush on me? A commoner? How funny... I thought again, walking into the springs.

"Yeah, and according to Frederick, he has it pretty bad for her," someone else added, "I definitely notice- he keeps her close to him on the battlefield. It's like he's protective of her all of a sudden," they finished. I stopped in my tracks to stand and listen for a moment. Where are they getting all this information from? Was any of it true? I mean, I definitely would like to be in a relationship with him... I blushed and took a seat on a nearby bench.

"I've noticed that as well," someone else pitched in, "he seems to always look out for her, and she's so oblivious, it's crazy! He even pitched his tent right next to hers tonight. I sure am jealous," they finished. Flustered, I ran out of the springs and back to my tent. I sighed and sat down on my bed. I rubbed my temples and tried to understand everything that just happened.

So the crown prince of Ylisse has a thing for me? A measly amnesiac with no recollection of her past? I find that hard to believe... Feeling defeated, I sighed again. I stood up and started to dress when all of a sudden, I heard someone outside of my tent door.

"Y/N?" Chrom asked from outside. I gasped and threw my towel back around me suddenly and rushed to the flap of my tent.

"Yes?" I asked, very nervous. There was no way I was going to let him see me indecent!

"I-Is there something you need?" I asked, scared he would walk in.

"Well, yes, I was hoping to talk actually," he said, still standing outside my door.

"U-uhhh well give me a minute!" I stuttered as I threw on some clothes I had lying on my bed. I swiftly fixed my hair and made sure I didn't smell before I opened the flap of my tent. Standing outside was Chrom, smiling as he always is. In his hand, he had a bouquet of beautiful pink flowers.

"These are for you," he said as he handed them to me. I blushed and received the flowers.

"T-thank you!" I quickly responded. The adrenaline from almost being walked in on was still rushing through my veins. I snapped myself together and invited Chrom inside to chat. "So what brings you over for a late night chat?" I asked awkwardly, knowing the rumors that were swirling about.

"Well, first of all, I wanted to thank you for your unconditional support to me and the Shepherds. Without your command, I'm sure we wouldn't have been as well off as we are now. I'm really glad we found you in the field that day." he said with a smile, "you truly have given us hope and have taught me so much about battle tactics. I couldn't be happier to have you on our side. That being said, you would make a formidable opponent..." he trailed off.

I chuckled.

"Anyways," he continued, "I uh, back to the part where I mentioned having you on our side... you not only have been a close comrade to us all... but you have also become very dear and special to me.

I blushed, "Chrom!-"

"Wait," he said, putting his hand in mine, "Not only have I found myself my closest friend, but also the person I wish to spend the rest of my life with..." his grip on my hand became tighter, "I want to spend eternity by your side, Y/N," he finished, pulling me close. "I love you," he whispered in my ear, pulling me into his embrace. I had no time to process anything that just happened, but I knew in my heart what my answer was to him. I hugged him back, burying my head in his neck.

"I love you too," I mumbled into him.

"I didn't understand a word you just said, but I'll take that as an 'I love you too'," Chrom chuckled. I picked my head up and nodded.

"I'll stay by your side forever," I said, putting my forehead to his.

"Good. I'm counting on you," he replied with a smile.

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