Justice is Blind

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Many men were whistling at Nemesis. Just now seeing her roam the streets of Greece. They thought she was a gypsy due to the way she was dressed. Little did they know she was the Goddess of Vengeance.

Nemesis today did notice the attention she was getting, which to her was strange because they are not suppose to see her.

" hey" one guy said, tossing in a quarter into Nemesis's scale. For the first time, Nemesis was taken back. A mortal, physically interacted with her.

Her scale of course, tipped. The quarter was much heavier than the feather.

" I have weight your soul against the universe and it seems you've done more harm than good. What have you have to say for yourself." Nemesis spoke, making the guy and his buddies laugh.

" that's Eric alright" one of his buddies said, nudging him to go forward closer towards Nemesis.

" um well I uh.. made some mistakes in the past yeah everyone has uh hey why don't I buy you lunch and we can discuss this further" Eric said, trying to play it smooth. Placing his arm around Nemesis's shoulder.

" do not touch me mortal." Nemesis spoke, holding Eric's arm in a lock making him cry out " ah!!" In pain.

Nemesis let go, seeing him cringe and suffer in pain from her hold.

She took the quarter off of her scale and flicked it back to Eric. His buddies were all saying "ohhhhhh!" Seeing Eric get roasted by Nemesis.

Who shook her head saying " mortals." Walking away.

Nemesis usually spent her days sitting in court rooms. Where hearings took place. She just listened to criminal cases of murder, theft, *infidelity* <--- (back in the old days) they use to have cases like these but it seems they don't have them in court anymore.

For the past centuries Nemesis has gotten stuck with listening in her opinion waste of time cases of bullshit.

Now the cases she mostly listens to is " they didn't pay rent for 6 months!" Or " her dog attacked my dog! She's responsible for my vet bills!" Or " he owes me money! Yeah we were in a relationship but they weren't gifts!"

To which Nemesis started to loose her patience since weighting these kind of matters is tricky on who actually gets to win or in her opinion a waste of time. So she doesn't really pay much attention to them.

" my god! Just pay the woman! How hard is it to give her a few gold and silver?! The consequence of none payment will result in your placement of level 2 in Hell! You'll be shoveling hot coals with your bare hands for a whole decade as punishment!" Nemesis bursted out loud, making everyone turn their attention to her. For the first time they could actually see and hear her.

Nemesis was actually asked to leave the courtroom for her outburst because they considered her to be part of the audience. Nemesis was taken back, she had never been asked to leave. This could cause some injustice...

" very well." Nemesis said, taking her leave. That case, was lost. The landlord did not get her money back from the squatters. Because the judge found it wrong for the landlord to threaten the tenants who did not pay with a gun to make them leave.

Just to note, money currently is not gold and silver. It is with paper money to which Nemesis is not that familiar with but deals with it a lot in court cases.


Arachne was in the middle of weaving a new web until she heard the cries of many children. She wasn't evil as they made her out to be. Just scary looking. Arachne, ashamed of how she looked after loosing to Athena because Athena couldn't handle a loss from a mortal turned her into this spider woman and so Arachne retreated to a cave and remained there.

When she looked out her cave, she saw a lot of wandering crying children.

She decided to ignore them. Until she heard a thunder. By the sound of it, it was bad storm. " hmm I suppose Zeus isn't in a very good mood today. Hopefully they'll find their way." Arachne mumbled to herself. Trying to continue to weave her web but couldn't help but look down below to see the children scrambling around, crying while getting rained on.

" oh they'll probably die from the cold. Ohh what should I do. What should I do..." Arachne said, pacing back and fourth unable to concentrate on finishing her web with the crying children outside along with their little feet splashing around the rain water.

After a few moments...

" I tried knitting once, but I just couldn't hold the needles!" Arachne joked, finding herself among many children who at first were scared but once she gathered them all up and held them in her cave for safekeeping that is, got to know them better and they in turn got to know her better. The children had gotten lost in the nearby forest. Their class had planed a nice picnic but the children wandered off too far into the woods.

" miss um.. why does your body look like that?" One child asked, making Arachne cringe at the thought.

" it's super cool" one boy commented, finding it cooler than Spider-Man.

" oh well it's a very long and horrible story.. that I do not want to tell. Anyway. I've made all of you something." Arachne said, distracting the children. Making them very happy. She had knitted them all custom clothing.

" wow! Your amazing!" A girl said, loving her new dress.

" no problem." Arachne said, approaching the children loving her work.

" what's your name? My names Emily" the girl said, seeing Arachne hesitate.

" Arachne." Giving out her name.

" hungry?" Arachne asked, seeing the children nod. When she showed them a tray of bugs most of them cringed or fainted.

" oh sorry. These aren't for you." Arachne said, brining out a tray of cookies.

" I got the eggs from birds nests and the flour from the wheat in the fields below. Sugar from the sugar cane by the rivers. All hand made and very good." Arachne said, seeing all the children take one.

Arachne and the children talked some more and after a while the storm ended.

" I'll take you kiddies back now." Arachne said, ready to leave her cave.

She first sniffed every child, than knew where the scent came from.

" what are you doing?" A boy asked, finding it strange seeing her sniff all of them.

" finding a scent. Many creatures do it." Arachne spoke as she began to take them back.

On their way back they encounter a pack of wolves but all Arachne needed to do was hiss at them, to see them whimper away.

She had walked them quite a way back to where the police, parents and chaperones.

When the children saw them they immediately ran towards them. Arachne stayed back than quickly left. Not wanting to be seen.

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