Praise Me!

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Ra hadn't seen his mother Neith in eons to which he and her both knew they were both very busy. Ra busy rising the sun morning to night across the Egyptian sky and Neith doing something important I assume.

" Raaaa!" Neith said joyfully, finally visiting her son. " mother?!" Ra said taken back seeing her in the hot scorching desert.

" ah! I should've brought an umbrella from the gift shop! It's suuuuper hot! Just kidding! I love the sun! And I love you son!" Neigh said hugging Ra.

" it's been soooo long! How have you been? Aww is that sunburn?" Neith said pinching Ra's cheeks. Making him blush red, trying to get his mom to stop. " I've been good. How about you?" Ra answered seeing Neith smile. " good too. Better now after seeing yooouuu!" Neith said happily.

" I have something for you! It's a lunch! Not from sacrifices from worshippers but I actually brought something from the local markets." Neith said, seeing Ra lift an eyebrow in confusion.

" they wanted to charged me a whole pyramid of gold. But I just gave them one of my golden earrings. The one with the green emerald and red ruby design. That made them super happy to get something from me. Who wouldn't be?" Neith said proudly and joyfully. She didn't mind giving up some gold if it made someone happy. She has a lot of it anyway.

" wow it's uh..." Ra said looking at commoners food. It really is different than sacrificed food. He took one bite, because he wanted to be polite to his mother who had literally gave up one of her favorite golden earrings to buy him this.

He struggled to keep it down.

" if you don't like it you don't have to eat it just for me." Neith said, a very good mother indeed. Ra spit it out in relief seeing him mother smile once again to show him something else.

" do you like it?" Neith asked seeing Ra hesitate. He'd never seen this before.

" oh I didn't make it. Some mortal gave me it. They say it's a pic-true a (picture) and I thought wow that's a bright flash and it reminded me of you! And than they gave me one pic because they were just so intrigued by my Egyptian beauty." Neith said proudly.

" oh you probably have no idea what I was saying in the beginning but mortals can apparently see us now they actually tried to arrest me which was super funny because I just backflipped out of there." Neith said finding all of this really amusing instead of worrisome.

" really?" Ra said a bit in disbelief but mostly in shock. Mortals can actually physically see them?

" yeah it all started when I was just sitting on my throne minding my own business until someone told me to get off, at first I didn't know who they were talking to until the mortals security tried to remove me but I kinda... killed them. I mean they were super rude! I told Anubis already to take it easy on them bringing them to the afterlife because I kinda felt bad..." Neith said having a bit of regret.

" ahhh! I should've just tied them up in weaves! I'm gonna go down to the afterlife to try and get them back! Wanna come?" Neith asked, seeing Ra open his beak but nothing come out. He was just so in shock about the whole thing he just didn't know what to say.

" sooo is that a no...?" Neith said, unsure of her own sons reaction.


Researchers, investigators and news reports all around the world were going crazy along with the government and the people.

So many sightings and reports about what people say Gods and Goddesses are appearing.

They showed a clip of Neith while she was out shopping for food in the Market. People couldn't believe what they were seeing. They had never seen someone so embezzled with gold and jewels.

But they also had clips of Neith killing people so...


" john you need to head out of Egypt right away! Get a scoop of the action right now!" Johns boss ordered, sending John out of interview the vendor to see if this is real or not. But mostly for the views.

" and you say that the goddess creator of Egypt, Neith has just purchased a lunchbox from you?" John asked, seeing the vendor nod his head like crazy.

" yes sir! That's correct! I even took a picture with her! See! Here! Here!" The vendor spoke, extremely excited to show the world.

" w-wow! Is that her?!" John shouted out loud, shocked at how much gold she was wearing along with precious jewels all over.

" yes!" The vendor said, now showing the picture to the whole world. Everyone was amazed. She had more gold than all of the pharaoh's buried in their graves combined.

" at first I thought who is this woman? And was she dressed in all gold? To my surprise when she came over she was! All pure gold! I've never seen a woman like her! She had so many fine high end luxury expensively custom crafted jewelry on her! Emeralds! Ruby's and so much more! She wore bracelets of the best finely crafted gold! Engraved with so many valuable jewels! Of all cuts, sizes and shapes I've never seen before! It had symbols of designs in each jewel! Their was a blue beetle sapphire design! Their was a white diamond shaped Horus design! So many! And her beauty was like the Nile. It was so stunning that I almost fainted!" The vendor spoke, extremely highly of Neith who now gave him fame and fortune beyond his wildest dreams.

" when she wanted to pay with one of her jewelry I couldn't help but jump for joy!" The vendor said reliving the moment.

" as payment she gave me this!" The vendor spoke, holding up her earring for all to see making everyone gasp and awe in amazement of its beauty.

" well I have here a specialist here who if you don't mind will examine if it's real or not." John spoke, seeing the vendor say " oh it's real. I tried biting down on it and here. I lost my teeth." He said showing John his fallen out tooth.

" oh wow.. well ok but uh if you don't mind we'd like to-" john was cut off by the vendor saying " yes! Please do! Display the goddess's jewelry for all to see!" The vendor said, remembering what Neith said to him " here you go and hey now don't be greedy, let everyone enjoy the fine treasures you have and in return you'll have fortune beyond compare and a nice spot in the afterlife too." Winking at him.

" and this right here is the golden earring?" John asked, confirming it. Seeing the vendor nod, who had tons of customers flock to his stand who wanted to buy the same exact lunchbox Neith had purchased. He wanted to show the whole world of his treasure given to him by the Egyptian goddess.

When the specialist almost fainted of the pure high quality of this earring. They confirmed that it was beyond real, made from the purest of golds, from the finest of jewels and the cuts and designs for this was worth trillions. But the vendor would not give it up or sell it, he refused. He believed that since the Goddess gave him this it was special above all else. He took her words to heart and donated a lot of his money made from his lunch boxes back to the people.

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