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"Akashi. We need to do something. He won't even tell us who the dad is." I say worried about Aomine.

"He won't tell us because he knows we'll tell him. And he thinks the dad either won't care, or he'll care too much and give up on his dreams." He says so I stop pacing and look at him confused.

"You... You know who it is?" I say so he smiles at me pulling me onto the bed with him as I stare at him confused.

"Yes. But I'm not telling anyone until Aomine is okay with it or both of them have graduated." He say so I just glare at him annoyed before he smirks saying "To be honest you'd know too if, you weren't so innocent."

"I really want to hurt you now. So tell me." I say softly hitting him but he just grabs my wrists shaking his head so I give up.

"I'll only say one thing. We picked him up the day after." He says so my eyes widen as I remember him kissing Kagami at the airport.

"He's carrying Kagami's baby?" I yell so he nods smirking as I grab his pillow burying my face in it.

"Why didn't they tell me. Akashi. We need to get Kagami here to talk to him." I say so he nods smiling at me.

"We can get him back for winter break. But that doesn't mean Aomine will tell him. So why don't you ask him first." He says so I sigh nodding.

Time Skip {1 month} Aomine

"No Kuroko. I'm not telling him. He has enough to worry about. Plus I'm not letting him give up his dream just for one night, that probably ment nothing to him." I yell starting to cry so he tries to pull me into a hug but I just push him away.

"Hey… Hey… What's wrong here?" I hear someone say so I look up to see Murasakibara and Himuro now standing in front of us but I just look away before I'm pulled into a warm hug confusing me.

"Himuro. If you were carrying someone's kid would you tell them as soon as you found out." Kuroko says so he shrugs.

"If I was still in contact with them I would. But I would make it clear that it doesn't mean they have to do anything they don't want to. Before they ruin their own future for the kid." He says so I hit his shoulder annoyed.

"See Aomine you should tell him." Kuroko says so Murasakibara sighs grabbing one of my burgers so I glare at him.

"Kuroko. If he doesn't want to tell the guy yet he doesn't have to. But he will have to tell the kids if he doesn't let the dad see them." He says starting to eat so I give him another as I start eating.

"That's the thing what if the kid looks too much like them. And Kagami finds out that way, then gets mad cause you never told him." Kuroko says making everyone freeze before I grab his neck trying to strangle him so he tries to tap out.

"Aomine. Stop it. Right now." Himuro says so I'm pulled of into a hug as Kuroko catches his breath while I start crying into someone's chest.

"Come on. Calm down for me. It's okay. No one's mad." Himuro says stroking my hair as he rubs my back letting me cry against him.

"Kuroko. Come on. Let's get to school." I hear Murasakibara say before they pack up leaving.

"Why don't we go home now. Okay?" Himuro says so I give a slight nod letting him pull away slightly cleaning my mess putting the last burgers in his pockets before leading me back to my place holding my hand.

Time Skip

"Are you feeling better now?" Himuro asks so I nod curling up in the duvet covers as he sits next to me on the couch.

"I'm sorry." I say but he just sighs pulling me into a hug.

"Aomine. You don't have to be sorry. But you do need to talk to Taiga." He says but I just shake my head so he sighs playing with my hair saying "I'm not saying you need to tell him about the baby. But you haven't called him in a month. He's worried."

"He doesn't need to worry. I'll be fine. He needs to focus on his dream." I say so he turns me to face him but I just look away.

"Taiga's going to kill me for this…" He says lifting my chin making me look at him as he says "Aomine. His dream isn't just to be a professional player. He also wants a family with someone he loves and would give up his dream for. And right now that's you. The only thing that's keeping him going right now is the fact that you asked him if he'd come back when he's done."

"But he needs a proper family. A proper job. And someone that asks him to stay. Not just come back." I say so he sighs letting me cuddle into the blanket again.

"If you had to see him again. Would you prefer to see him before or after the kids born?" He asks so I shrug noticing he's on his phone as I try to look so he holds his phone down showing me the messages.

"He's free now. Do you want to call him?" He asks so I slowly nod letting him video call Kagami scaring me slightly as it rings so I try to hide against Himuro.

Kuroko no basket ~ Kagami X AomineDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora