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I wake up in bed alone confusing me so I try to get up hissing as pain shoots through my back but I get up pulling on one of Kagami's baggy hoodies making sure it covers everything before walking through to the kitchen seeing Kagami cooking so I wrap my arms around him still half asleep.

"Morning. Sleepy head." He says so I hum a morning back as I look to see him cooking eggs and bacon.

"What's the time?" I ask leaning against him as I yawn so he starts plating up the food.

"It's almost one. Tatsuya and Atsushi want to meet us at four. They said they have a surprise for us." He says as I nod hearing a knock at the door so I go to answer opening it to see Dave and James staring shocked.

"Morning?" I say confused making James look away blushing as Dave let's out an awkward laugh so I look back at Kagami who sighs.

"Daiki. You aren't wearing any pants are you?" He says so I nod before he tosses me a pair of boxers from the washing making me sigh pulling them on still confused.

"The hoodie might be baggy. But you do have a big dick." He says making me blush so he comes over pulling me into a hug letting the boys in as I hide my face in his shoulder embarrassed.

"Just be glad there isn't any kids around." Dave says patting my back before adding "Well apart from James."

"Hey. I'm not much younger than Kagami." He says as Kagami leads me to the couch sitting me down before giving me a plate of food so Dave tries to steal some but I just point the fork at him glaring.

"Jeez. It's just food." James says so we both stare at him making him uncomfortable until Kagami gives them smaller plates before sitting next to me with his own.

"Thank you, Kagami." Dave says smiling at us as they start eating before James looks up shocked.

"Okay. I take it back. It's not just food." He says making me smirk leaning against Kagami still tired.

"So Kagami. Are you feeling better after last night. Hiroto was way out of line." Dave says so Kagami nods wrapping an arm around me as we finish eating.

"Although. If he saw your dick he would probably take back what he said about spiting Kagami in two. If he can take yours." James says smirking making me cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing.

"You almost remind me of Kuroko. Your almost as innocent as him." I say confusing him as Dave starts laughing so Kagami pokes me in the side pulling me into his lap when I jump.

"James think, who can barely walk right now?" Dave says making James stare at us shocked but I just get up kissing Kagami's cheek before going to the bathroom running a bath.

Time Skip {1 hour} Kagami

"Daiki. Are you okay? You've been in there for an hour now." I say knocking on the bathroom door not hearing an answer so I open the door seeing him on the floor leaning against the bath asleep making me smile.

"You can really be an idiot at times." I say before I feel the water seeing it's still warm somehow so I carefully pick him up setting him in the bath before washing him smiling when he leans into my touch before I pick him up wrapping a towel around him drying him off.

"Tai- Taiga…" He mumbles curling up in the towel making me smile so I take him through to the bedroom setting him on the bed before pulling some clean boxers and a top on him wrapping him in the covers.

"Next time just go to bed." I say smirking going to drain the bath before I sit next to him.

Time Skip {2 hours} Aomine

"Daiki. Time to wake up. We're late." I hear Kagami say so I look up at him confused as I look around so he gives me a hoodie and joggers before kissing me saying "We need to meet the boys for dinner. Get dressed."

"If we're going out for dinner at least give me jeans." I say so he tosses a pair of black jeans at me as i smirk quickly getting dressed before he picks me up taking me to the door setting me down as I glare at him.

"It was quicker than you stumbling." He says making me notice my back feels better as I stretch.

"And your evil, now let's go before they get mad at us." I says as we leave locking the door before heading down the street before being stopped by some guy in a dark blue car.

"Kagami, and Aomine, correct?" He asks so Kagami nods grabbing my hand as the guy smiles in relief saying "Your friend. Tatsuya Himuro, sent me to pick you up for dinner."

"I'm going to check with him first." Kagami says so the guy nods smiling as Kagami calls Himuro.

"Do you know the license plate? Okay that seems right. We'll be there soon then." He says before hanging up nodding for me to get in as he follows so I do.

"Where are we going to meet them anyway?" I ask but Kagami just shrugs pulling me into a hug so I slowly fall asleep against him.

Kuroko no basket ~ Kagami X AomineWhere stories live. Discover now