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"Hey Himuro. Daiki are you okay? Why haven't you been calling?" I say as I answer the call seeing Aomine curling up to Himuro so I bite my lip.

'He's been a bit sick, so he might not talk much sorry.' Himuro says so I nod smiling at them before someone wraps their arm around me so I look to see Dave hanging off me.

"So I know he's your brother but is this the boyfriend your always talking about?" He says making me blush.

"I told you he isn't my boyfriend. But yes this Aomine." I say noticing Aomine blushing as well making me smile so I notice he's curled up in my duvet making me smirk saying "So which one of you raided my apartment when I left."

"Guess again. We didn't raid it. We stole the apartment itself." Himuro says smirking making Dave laugh so I stare shocked as Himuro shows the apartment off.

"Does this mean I don't need to take anything when I visit?" I say smiling so Aomine nods making me grin as coach calls us over so I sigh walking over.

"Daiki. You should call more even if it's just a short call. But I have to go now. Coach is getting annoyed." I say so Dave waves over my shoulder before running off.

"Bye Taiga." Aomine says making me smile as the call cuts off.

"You look happier." Roger says ruffling my hair so I lightly push him off blushing when he says "Did you really miss your boyfriend that much?"

"Shut up. And listen to the coach. Plus I've told you guys before, he isn't my boyfriend." I say so Hiroto pulls me against him smirking.

"Does that mean you'll be mine now." He says quietly leaning into my ear so I elbow him in the gut again making him stumble back.

"No. Now stop asking before you actually get hurt." I say letting Dave and Roger move closer to me.

Time Skip {2 months} Himoru

"Kuroko. I might have a plan." Akashi says so I look up from the magazine with Kuroko.

"What is it?" I ask so he looks at Kuroko who just nods smiling at him.

"So turns out my dad's company has a large share in the project that Kagami's school has. And every so often, they offer scholarships to promising kids in the area as well as abroad." He starts so we nod wanting to hear more.

"If we can get Aomine to play a game there then I can make sure the kid is taken care of while he finishes school and, Kagami can see the kid grow up as well." He says making me smile as Kuroko nods pulling him into a hug.

"We'll have to wait til the kids born first. They should be here in a few weeks anyway." I say so they nod as I get a text from Murasakibara so I sigh saying "Can we talk more about this later. Atsushi's having trouble with Aomine. It seems he won't eat."

"Sure have fun with the boys." Kuroko says as Akashi nods so I leave quickly heading to Aomine's place.

Time Skip

"So… what's the problem?" I ask walking in to see Murasakibara covered in sweets making me stiffle a laugh.

"He's trying to make me fat." Aomine says so I sigh pulling him into a hug as I sit next to him.

"Atsushi. Why don't you grab a shower and I'll start cooking okay?" I say so he sighs going to the spare room.

"Daiki. He wasn't trying to make you fat. He just wanted you to eat. Plus as much as he eats he's almost as bad as Momoi and Rikiu when it comes to cooking." I say so he nods letting me up to cook.

"If you want. We can watch one of Taiga's games later." I say so he nods watching me as I cook.

Time Skip {3 weeks} Kuroko

"Kagami. I'm really sorry but I need to go." I say reading the text from Himuro so Kagami nods as I shove my phone in my pocket going up to the teacher.

"It's code blue. I need to go." I say as he nods letting me leave so I run out seeing Akashi pull up at the gate so I quickly jump in before he drives off.

"You know I could of got you the week off school and you could of stayed with Aomine. So you'd already be at hospital now." He says so I sigh before hereing something drop.

"Daiki's in hospital. Why, did he get hurt?" I hear Kagami yell so Akashi grabs my phone.

"Kagami. I'm sorry to do this to you but we'll explain everything when we come over next week. But no Aomine is safe. Himuro and Murasakibara are with him so don't worry." Akashi says hanging up before looking at me unimpressed.

"I didn't know it was still on call. I thought I hung up." I say looking away but he just sighs ruffling my hair.

"Just be happy he doesn't know yet. Otherwise Aomine would kill you." He says so I nod.

Time Skip

"Next time you let someone fuck you. Use protection. Okay?" Himuro says smiling at Aomine who looks tired as he holds the boys trying not to hurt them.

"Do you want me to take one?" I ask so he nods letting me take the blue haired one smiling as he tries to grab something.

"So what are you going to call them?" I ask but he just bites his lip looking at me embarrassed.

"How about, Tora and Riku?" Himuro says so Aomine smiles nodding slightly as Tora falls asleep against him.

Kuroko no basket ~ Kagami X AomineNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ