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2 months later.

Sero's POV

I walk into class, the black eye i earned this morning fully showing. Kirishima rushes over to me. "Bro whats up with that eye of yours?!" He says directly at my black eye. " I-I fell down the stairs again... " "Bro those stairs are getting vicious for the last 2 months you've be falling down them!" Bakugou walks over. "We all know the stairs story is shit fucking elbows. What the hell is really going on?!" Mina is standing next to him with her arms crossed. i start to back up and i hit a wall. How do i get out of this? "Uh I...I..." I feel my airway closing in and i start to breathe quickly and i slide down the wall and bury my head in my hands.

Panic attack.

Mina quickly but carefully walks over and rubs circles on my back. Shes the only one who knows im gay other than my boyfriend.. She tells me to stay calm and the focus on breathing. I slowly calm down.

"Can you please tell me?" Mina asks quietly. "Ill say one thing. Monny.." I whispered in her ear that's what I call Monoma but nobody knows.

Time skip to lunch

I quickly make my way to Monoma's table and sit next to him i look around not seeing anybody. "Hi Monny!" I get a slap to the face. "I said to stop sitting with me and stop calling me that stupid nickname!" He shouts.

Mina's POV

We were hiding behind a corner by us I mean me, Cutieshima, and Bakubabe. We watch Sero sit with Monoma he says something it sounds like the word he said before "Monny" then he gets slapped and Monoma starts shouting at him. Sero tears up and runs off to the bathroom. We quickly run off to follow.

"Cutieshima hun go on in for us. Your his BEST friend!" He nods and walks in casually. "Yo Bro wassup!" We hear him cheer. Bakubabe facepalms. I get tired of Cutieshima's crap and march into the boys bathroom. "Love are you ok? We saw Monoma slap you?" That's when I see him running to me and sobbing in my arms uncontrollably. "Please Mina make it stop! All he does is hurt me! He says he loves me too but i don't know anymore!" He sobbed. Cutieshima gasped. Your dating that unmanly dude?! " "the bruises and cuts! Its always him!"

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