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(No that doesnt say Sharts im more mature than tha- *my sister barges in* WHY THE GOOD SPAGETTIOS HORSE KUNG FU GOD WOULD YOU DO THAT)

Sero's POV

I scream so loud as the glass shards hit my body. My mother's quirk is controlling glass. I hate her quirk. But I still love her, she loved me before i killed my father in a car accident well technically im always told it was me.

2 Hours later and my mother decided it was time for her to sleep off the alcohol.

I got a call from Kami saying he'd be here in an hour but never said why I quickly clean up the blood around me then rushed to the bathroom to clean myself soon I hear a knock and Kami drags me out of the house. We pull up at a bar and I get nervous. "Why are we here bro?" I ask casually . "Class trip! Weve all come here i got you a fake id!" He said tossing me a card. Before i can protest he pulls me inside i try to stay away from any alcohol or drunk people. A man walks up to me with the familiar haze in his eyes i see in my mothers every day he reaches out to touch me and i block my face. Turns out he was reaching over me for his shotglass i backed away from him and the shelf. I bump into another glass shelf and it wobbles and i hear it falling. I hear some people scream I didnt even hit it that hard how could it - the last thing i see before my world goes dark is Monnys smile as he released the shelf from his hand.

How long do you guys want these chapters the longer they are the longer the wait.

Will You Be My Hero? (KamiSero)Where stories live. Discover now