Red and Blue

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"Nah man I gotta stay and take care of my mother." I say with a goofy smile. " why though? Your mom is pretty young. " Denki asks. "Well she has a mental illness and I dont want her to get hurt!" I exclaimed.

Kirishima's POV

Ill call the cops just in case. I know the signs of child abuse. My uncle abused his kid for years with nobody noticing.
"Come on Kiri!" Denki shouts. " ill catch up! "

After he calls..

"Wait! Why are there cops outside!?" Sero starts to run home

Seros POV

"Wait! Mom!" I start shouting as i swing like spiderman with my tape. Mr Aizawa is also there and he grabs me with his scarf to hold me from my mother. Tears stream from my eyes as I thrash around trying to losen the scarf.

"MOTHER!!" I call out she looks to me with this look on her face that I will never forget. Tears wet her face and her eyes were so wide. "My Baby! Tell them im innocent! Please! Dont let them take me!" " Please! Mr Aizawa let me go! I have to save her! What if they hurt her!? " Mr Aizawa trys to shush me. I have a flash back to when they took my father out of the car and they were carrying my mother the same way. Someone was holding me back. "Please! I cant lose her too..." The car zooms away with blaring sirens.

"Please... Come back... I dont want to be alone..." I sobbed into Mr Aizawas chest.

"We are getting dorms next week until stay with Kirishima please." He said rubbing circles on my back. Hes really good at calming kids down . Almost as if he has his own. Cough cough Hitoshi Aizawa cough cough

"Mr Aizawa.. Will I ever see my mother again? ..."

" Maybe... "

That night...

Kirishimas POV

In the middle of the night the floor creaks as Seros air mattress moves. I look over and he is wide awake with a very sorrowful look on his face. He doesnt notice me staring and lays back down to try to sleep.

"Hey.. Are.. Are you ok Hanta?" He looks up at me with dead eyes.

" im going to the bathroom. " He says. I notice a shiny object in his back pocket but pass it off as a coin.

Seros POV

I pull the razor from my back pocket and stare in the mirror at my self. I pull up my sleeve and put the blade next to my arm. I take a deep breathe and slice about an inch long cut. I repeat all the way up to my shoulder then i stop. Rinse myself off in the sink and bandage my arm. I fall to the floor and cry. Kirishima opens the door.

"Hey hey... Calm down. Its gonna be ok...." He says picking me up and taking me to his room.

The next day...

"Hey Bakubro!" Kiri runs off as soon as we get to school. Mina runs to me " Sero! Honey I heard what happened... Are you ok? " I sigh and slightly pull up my sleeve to show her the bandages she knows ive done it. She lets out a light gasp and pulls me into her signature mama Mina hug. I drape my arms over her shoulders and hold back tears. Mr Aizawa walks up to me. "Sero. Please come to my classroom during lunch." Its about Mother isnt it... They've killed her. I knew it...
"yes sir."

" Come on guys! " Denki whines pulling us to the lockers. I open mine to see a note. 'You should just die. You Faggot. Im breaking up with you. -Monoma' "M...Monny?" I look behind me and there stands the boy who broke my heart. Twice. "Monoma... Wh..why?" I stutter out. " Cant you see idiot! I was using you! You are disgusting! I cant believe we were ever friends! " I backed up until i hit my locker. He raised his hand to slap me but Bakugou had stopped him. "Oi! You gotta a problem with Elbows!?" Monoma shakes his head. " see ya after school Hanta. " he darkly chuckles. Bakugou then walks away after Monoma turns the corner. Hes the reason... He made mom lock me down there. Its his fault that mom was taken from me...

The bell rings and I'm late. Hopefully Aizawa will give me a pass today..

I walk into class and the caterpillar teacher is sleeping. Mineta walks up to me. "I didnt realize there were gay people in class. Thats just weird. Like boys shouldnt like boys. "  "How did you... How did you know im gay" i ask him aflutter. "Its written on the wall... 'Hanta Sero is gay'." I walk over to the Bakusquad. About to have a panic attack. " Guys... Everyone in the whole school knows.. Knows im.. Im.. " I then fall to my knees and cry. Momo comes over to see the commotion. "Hey Sero. Are you ok?!" She sits next to me and creates one of those oxygen masks with a pump. She placed it on my face and pumps it and my breathing starts to return to a normal pace.  Mr Aizawa then grabbed my wrist tightly and tried to pull me out of the room I winced in pain and held back tears. Mina saw my expression. "Stop it! Stop it! Cant you see your hurting him!?" Mr Aizawa let go and looked me. Hee apologized and asked to see me outside of the room.

"What happened in there." " Mineta.. Everyone actually knows im gay. Monoma wrote it on the wall....  Then i... Then i had a panic.... A panic attack. " "Sit out here to chill for a bit." He then walks back into his classroom.

I slide down the wall with my head in my hands and silently cry. I want my mother to come home. I want my father back from the grave. I just want a happy life.

But i don't know if it will ever happen.

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