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(hi, i just wanted to inform that since it's 2020 in my story, and corona and such have been happening, i won't include that in my story. i felt like it'd be too much of a burden to write :))

Sarah Pleasent - 18y - San Francisco

God, i can't believe I have already reached 1 million followers! I've only had tiktok since january 2020, and it is currently june. My growth started slowly, 2 months ago I had only a 100k. I do dances, but I also have many followers because of my fashion advice on there. It's not that I'm a model, or basic style-ish person, but I do concider myself good with stylish. 

I turned 18 this year, in march. I live with my parents, in San Francisco, and I just graduated my last year. I'm planning on doing online school after summer, but I'm not sure yet, I might even take a gap year, who knows. I just want some rest, time to have fun, and just vibe, without worrying too much about school, and life in general. I already have plans to meet up with some new friends, who I got to know thanks to tiktok. Avani and I have been planning to meet up for a good month, we talk a lot and I love her. She currently lives at the hype house, with a bunch of other tiktok- and youtubers. Her boyfriend lives at another content house, the Sway house. Both in Los Angeles. I'm happy that it's not too far, it's only 5 hours which isn't a lot concidering how big America is, yk. Beside her, i've talked to some others from tiktok, but actually not that much. 

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