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The next day we just do the basic things you do on vacation. Walk around the city some more, go to the beach, and end up at the hotel pool after dinner. The hotel's pool is actually really fucking nice, there's barely anyone most of the time, and it's cozy but big at the same time. Around 9, we finally decide to head out. We all get into the community shower at the pool (in our swimwear lmao, yk what i mean) and rinse off real quick. I decided to wash my hair here already as well, so I brought my shampoo and stuff. I told everyone else they could leave already and so they do.

Only Bryce, doesn't follow them. I don't question it and wash my hair as we just talk a little. When I'm done, I want to grab my stuff from the ground, but he grabs my wrist, making me look up to him and raise my brows. He looks down at me as well and his gaze goes from my eyes, to my lips. I quickly do the same thing before he slowly presses my to the wall and kisses me. Holy shit this is hot. With the shower still running above us, him pressing me against the wall and yet still kissing me with passion. It doesn't take too long before he lets go, and we look each other in the eyes. I stand on my toes and kiss him again, feeling him smile while doing so.

After our little...makeout sesh, we leave the showers and get back to the rooms. Everyone is gathered in Avani and I's room again and the two of us walk in together, already getting looks from them, but we just laugh about it. I go change into my pajamas in the bathroom real quick and sit down on the bed with Avani. We talk for some more time, before going to bed around 11. From the second the boys leave and close the door behind them, she turns to me with excitement in her eyes. "Spill it. We know something happened there" She giggles, and I smile. "Well...we were talking while I washed my hair, and when I was ready and wanted to grab my stuff, he grabbed my wrist and lowkey pushed me against the wall? And then he kissed me, and we made out for a little. We didn't really talk about it, actually" I start explaining to her, and she literally freaks out. "FINALLY but you have to talk about it with him girl. Text him right now to meet up again like 2 days ago" Avani replies, and I shrug. I guess it wouldn't hurt, I'm not sure what we are right now and we don't have many alone time during the day anyways.


hey, wanna go out rn?

for sure, macdonalds?

ofcourse, ill be there in 2

ill bring u a hoodie no worries 😘

mhm alright 😉

"Perfect!! Now go" She tells me, and I get back out of bed, putting my socks and shoes back on. I am once again in booty shorts and a tiny shirt but Bryce's hoodie is huge on my tiny body so great. I grab my phone and say bye to Avani before leaving the room. Not even a minute later Bryce comes out of their room as well. "Here you go" He smiles at me, handing me his hoodie, which I immediately put on, drowning in it. "You look cute in my clothes" He continues to say, making me blush, oh yeah ofcourse, great. We walk out of the hotel and as we're outside he puts his arm around my waist.

We order something small to eat and drink and sit down in the back again. "I'm sorry. I just felt the need to talk about what happened earlier" I tell him, but he shakes his head. "Hey no need to apologize, I was thinking about it too. I'M sorry for doing that, without giving any context" He replies. "I didn't say that I didn't like it though" I continue, receiving a smirk from him. "When we get back home, can I take you out?" He asks me next, and I nod. "Ofcourse, I'd love to"

We talk about us for only a little more before entering another topic. It's not like I expect him to ask me to be his girlfriend, that'd be a little quick still. But, we agreed on the label 'dating'. And I'm happy about it, really. He's the first one ever, which I'm still a little surprised about. There's actually someone who wants to be with me. Oh and, I told him that earlier was my first kiss. He felt bad because he didn't think it would've been my first, and told me he didn't even notice. Well, first kisses normally don't happen like that, but it was amazing.

It's already after 12 when we walk back, so I'm really fucking tired. We stand in the hallway as we say goodnight. "Well, sleep tight Hall" I say, smiling up at him. "Goodnight gorgeous" He replies, leaning in and giving me a peck on my lips. I smile, before heading into our room. Avani is asleep already, ofcourse, so I quietly get into bed and go to sleep.

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