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2 days later, and both Max and I decided to head home. I'd drive him to the airport and continue my drive home after dropping him off. His flight is at 3 pm, so we'd be leaving soon. We were hanging out in the living room and had lunch, until we had to go. Since we'd been hanging out, I totally forgot to even pack my stuff and made sure I have everything, so at 2, I ran upstairs and grabbed my bag, quickly looking around the room to see if I had missed anything. I don't think I did. I get back and we put our stuff in my car already. "Well, guess we're leaving then" I say, as we walk back into the house where everyone is. Avani stayed the night so she's still here too. "I'll miss my wife" She says, coming up to me for a cuddle. "I'll get back here soon, don't worry" I say. We hug everyone goodbye and eventually get into my car and drive off.

We arrive at the airport, and I walk with him for a little until we have to part ways. "Guess I'll see you soon enough?" I say, as we come to a stop. "For sure, it was really fun" Max replies, and I nod. I give him a long hug, before he continues to go through security and everything, and I head back to my car, for a long ride home. 

I finally get to my house around 8 pm, and my parents were home, surprisingly, so we went out for dinner somewhere nice. I told them a lot about how my time in LA had been, and I already miss it. But, I am positive that it won't take long until I drive back there, I already know I won't be able to miss those people, nor the city itself. My socials have been kinda blowing up, since I posted a lot with them and they obviously are way bigger than me. I didn't really pay too much attention to it, I really don't care about the amount of followers, but it's actually insane. 

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