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I'm leaving today, I already packed my stuff yesterday so I could leave immediately in the morning. I woke up extra early so I could say bye to my parents before they left off for werk. I take a shower, have breakfast, and put my stuff in the car before getting ready to leave. I firstly drive past dunkin, where I get myself a coffee and something to eat during the drive.

I vibe to some music and time actually passes pretty quickly. Before I know, I get to LA, now I only have to find those boys' house, the Sway house. Anthony gave me their adress so it shouldn't be too hard. It's in Bell Air, so I expect something pretty big. I've seen the hype house in pictures, and that was absolutely insane. But they're with so much more so I don't expect it to be that huge. I should have probably done some research before coming here lol, oh well.
I've seen the guys on tiktok and insta before ofcourse, but I figured it might be weird if I randomly started following all of them.

I finally arrive, and park my car down the road at their front door. It's around 2 pm right now. I decide to leave my bag in the car until I've met them and such, it's not like I need it. I go up to the door and ring the bell. I hear yelling from what sounds like the backyard, and then the door opens. "Hey Sarah!!" Anthony says, as he invites me in already. It looks like they're in the pool, since he's shirtless and wet. "We were hanging by the pool, I'll introduce you to everyone" He tells me, as I follow him through the indeed pretty big house, to the yard. 3 boys are in the pool messing around and 2 in the hot tub next to it, making tiktoks. They look up as they notice us, and quickly get out. "Nice to meet you! I'm Jaden" One of them comes up to me, and he wants to give me a hug, but closes his arms again as he remembers that he's wet. "I don't care, come here" I laugh about it, and give him a quick hug. "Nice to meet you too by the way, I'm Sarah" I say, as I move to the next boy. I also quickly hugged Quinton, Griffin, Josh and Bryce. They're actually really cool.

I talk to them for awhile while they dry off, as they decide that we should have lunch. Josh orders pizza for everyone and they go and clean themselves up as I wait in the living room. I text Avani that I'm here too, and she tells me she'll come by tonight, since they're busy right now. When they're ready, the food arrives, and we sit down at the kitchen island and eat while we get to know each other some more. We add each other on our socials, exchange numbers, the usual.

"Hey I'll help you get your bag to your room right now" Bryce suggests me after the food, and I nod as I first go grab my stuff in my car, before following him upstairs. "Mine and Jadens room, Griffin and Josh's, Quinton and anthony's, and lastly yours" He explains to me, opening the last door. It's pretty big, not gonna lie. At least bigger than my room at home. It only has a closet, bed and a nightstand on each side. "It's really nice" I say, as I flop down on the bed and he puts my bag down next to it. He sits down next to me. "I've seen your tiktoks on my fyp before, everyone loves your fashion sense" He says, and I chuckle. "I guess so, I didn't expect people to actually follow me and ask for advice, but it has kind of become my thing now. I love it, though" I reply, and he nods understanding. "You're cool. I like your style too, it gives me chill vibes" He continues to say, wait aww he's so sweet. He kind of came off to be the bad boy, if you know what I mean. "Aww thank you!" I say, and he just smiles back.

We decide to go back to the others, and I make some tiktoks with them. I immediately gain a lot of followers, it's crazy. I posted a tiktok with Quinton on my account, and people ofcourse jumped into conclusions per usual. Like, I've met these guys only hours ago, yes ofcourse I'm dating them!! It's always been like that with Max, Dressler. We've been friends for a few months, but we haven't even met for real or anything. We duet each other's videos sometimes, and comment on each others tiktoks and instagram. But that doesn't mean shiT, we're just really good friends and I could never see myself with him like that, which makes me feel a bit akward that fans say that kind of stuff, but oh well.

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