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Today, I have a shoot with the brand I came here for. We take pictures basicly the whole afternoon and it was actually pretty fun, and they came out nice.

When we're done, I grab my stuff and tell them goodbye, before walking back to where I had parked my car earlier. I finally check my phone, and see that I have a message from Jaden.


heyy i hope ur shoot is going well!
the guys wanna have sushi later, i remembered that u dont like that, and i dont either so i thought maybe we could go out and eat somewhere else?

hey j!! it was fun thank u!
im down, where to?


heck yes 😍
its only 5:30 though is it okay if i come home and shower first?

ofcourse, ill see u home then 😌

see you!

As said, I find my car and drive back to the house. I say hi to the boys and quickly tell them about the shoot, before going upstairs for a shower. I get ready to leave after that and go downstairs to find Jaden. The rest is already having their sushi, they can have it, though. "Ready to go?" I ask him, and he nods. I see Bryce looking at us, but don't pay too much attention to it. We decide to take my car and I drive to the nearest chick-fil-a.

We both order something and take place somewhere in the back, after some girls recognised Jaden and wanted to take some pictures. We get to eating and talk the whole time, I really enjoy spending time with him though. Not to mention he do be hot as well. I was a little surprised yesterday when he asked me about my love life and said i was pretty. Since Mads is his ex, that doesnt make too much sense to me, she's literally gorgeous. But, I don't know if I'm actually attrackted to him, I kinda feel like it's the same with Bryce. I've known them for a fat day, so it's not like I have to decide anything.

"So for how long have you been single? If I may ask" He suddenly asks me, and it gets me out of my thoughts. "Um...18 years? I've never actually dated someone, it never gets that far" I explain to him, and he looks at me weird. "You're kidding, right? How come?" He continues to ask, and I shrug. "I guess people get tired of me easily. I don't know why, but at this point it's just a waiting game when I make new friends, or start flirting with a guy. They'll leave me, at some point" I pour it out to him, not gonna lie it felt good to get that off of my chest. "That's bull, I couldn't imagine getting tired of you, you're amazing" He says, making me lowkey blush. "Thanks, but it's just the way it is. I feel like I get too attached too quickly, even though I know damn well I shouldnt. Maybe that's why, because I'm moving too fast in relationships. I don't mean to" I continue, and he nods. "Hey that's just the way it is, you can't change who you are. And it's not that that's a bad thing. People are...cruel, these days. It just means that you aren't like that" He reasures me, and I smile. "Thank you"

We decide to head back to the house a little later, and it's already 7:30 pm as we get there. Avani went home earlier at noon as I left too, and she just got back here. She did decide to go back to the hype house tonight, so I will be sleeping alone in a room. All of us watch some tv together, make tiktoks, pictures, you know, the usual.

Around 12, I decide that I should head to bed. I go get ready in the bathroom, at the same time as Griffin. "So, how are you enjoying LA so far?" He asks me, as I get my makeup off and he brushes his teeth. "I'm loving it, and I'm happy that yall let me stay here, a hotel would've been as fun ofcourse" I reply, and he nods. "Ofcourse, you're really cool, we all like you" He says, and I pout. "Some more than others, though" He continues to say, before I can. I look at him and raise my brows. "Is that so?" I ask, and he chuckles. "You really haven't noticed? Jaden and Bryce are already head over heals about you" He laughs. Oh well shit. "Oh really..." I don't really know how to respond to that, you know. "What about you, do you fancy anyone here?" He nexts asks me. "I don't know, Griffin...I've only been here for 2 days" I honestly answer, and he nods. "Ofcourse, that's reasonable. I won't be annoying you about it, no worries" He says, and nudges my shoulder at the and as he laughs, and I do the same. I get ready and head to 'my' room, where I flop down under the covers and scroll through tiktok for a little, before falling asleep.

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