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After dinner, Avani arrives at the house. We immediately hug tight and start lowkey freaking out, this is great. She brought her swimsuit and one for me, and we decide to take a dip in the pool with the guys. We get changed and meet at the pool, where all the guys already are. Anthony grabs her and jumps into the pool with her, which makes me stop and laugh for a sec. As I look away from them, I can see both Jaden and Bryce look me up and down. Alrighttt time to get in now. I carefully get into the water and screech as someone is below me, with me on his shoulders now. I look down to see Bryce. Anthony does the same with Avani and we laugh our asses off as we try to get each other to fall. Eventually I manage to make her fall, and Bryce and I cheer as I ruffle his hair. 

He finally puts me down and we all continue to swim and mess around, getting to know each other more and more. Avani decides to stay tonight, and I told them they could crash in 'my' room, since they usually do as she stays over, since they share rooms. So, I end up in Quintons room tonight, there's two beds though. I get ready for bed and decide to go find a snack before I actually go to sleep. I get downstairs and see Griffin and Jaden still on the couch, watching some tv with leftover pizza from earlier today. "There's some more, if you want" Griffin says, and I thank him as I go find it in the kitchen. I warm some up, and flop down on the couch with them. "Hey I actually really wanted to thank you guys, for letting me stay here, you didn't even know me" I chuckle, as I tell them. "Don't worry about it, we love the company. You're really cool" Jaden replies, and Griffin agrees with him. As I watch some tv with them, I feel Jaden looking at me, so I do the same. "Do you happen to have a boyfriend or anything?" He asks, playing it off cool. "I don't"  I reply. He frowns. "If you're gonna ask why, I have no idea, Jaden" I chuckle, and he does the same. "You're pretty" He simply says, and Griffin leans forward and looks at us. "Yeah, you are" He says. Lol okay guys keep it in your pants ok. "Thank you, guys" I say, patting both of them on the tighs. "I'm gonna head to bed, goodnight" I smile, and they tell me the same, before I head upstairs, to find Quinton already knocked out on his bed. 

newbie - swayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora