Chapter 3

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The taking of the hair had, indeed, been completely painless. One strand was plucked out and burnt. It had let up a small wisp of black smoke along with an unpleasant smell. However, when Mrs. Maurel had done the same the smoke had been a brilliant violet and green, and the scent had been almost reminiscent of citrus. The man who worked at the shop seemed satisfied, and three sets of curls were carefully cut. Mrs. Maurel had done that part so that they wouldn't show, first wrapping the locks in a white ribbon that she'd written on with a marker. Elizabeth couldn'[t read the language; it seemed comprised of sharp angled lines. Then the hair was snipped ever so carefully with silver scissors and finally added to small, sealed jars. They'd even added wax over the cork of the jars and the shop keeper had pressed his ring into them to leave a seal.

The man gladly retrieved the piece of dragon skin as well as Florence's items (which Elizabeth had absolutely insisted on covering for), and the small necessities for Elizabeth herself. The young woman had vials, crystals of various colors and clarities, and pixie wing flakes in a small jar. They really did look like glitter, she thought as she turned the jar this way and that. The shopkeeper had been quick to assure her that they were willingly given, simply the result of natural shedding. Mrs. Maurel had gotten her a few other items for future spells in the book, and the man had rather grudgingly opened up a section in an ancient-looking leather ledger for her. It was a note that she had a credit of, well... She couldn't quite read the writing. Florence assured her that the shop was run by an honest family and that she had no reason to fear being shorted.

With that business completed, the two women headed back into the street. Mrs. Maurel smiled and took her arm. "I'll help you to preserve your hair when we get home. Just another lock or two-we don't want you half bald!" She'd laughed then, and Elizabeth had allowed herself a warm smile.

. "So, what now? Do we go home and don black robes and pointy hats? Or..." Remembering a bit from a movie, Elizabeth turned bright red. "Or do we do things naked?" Oh, she dearly hoped not.

Florence burst out into heavy laughter at that, doubling over and having to take nearly a full minute to contain herself again. When she was able to straighten she wiped at her eyes with the back of her hand. "Oh, dearie, NO! Can you imagine explaining that to the police? 'Oh, officer! So good to see you! We were just dancing around nude in our garden because we're witches!' Oh my dear, no. I do most of my spells in my nightgown." She patted Elizabeth's arm quite affectionately. "If we need a larger space, there are sanctuaries throughout the city that the other magic users have available. It all depends on what your specialty ends up being, of course."

She suddenly felt uneasy. "Specialty? You mean... Just doing spells isn't it?" the girl asked quietly.

"Oh, no my dear. I'm an herbal witch myself. That's why I have such a lovely garden." Florence took a moment to preen, clearly quite proud of it. "Some go into pure elemental magic, though those tend to have a specialty in one of the four. I've met a lovely witch who can speak to animals-she actually runs one of those falcon shows at the zoo."

Elizabeth's mind flashed to a friendly-looking woman who was working there the last time that she had visited with her family. "...Oh," she whispered. Elizabeth ran a hand nervously over her hair, as if making sure that more wasn't missing than she'd remembered. "But what about.... Bad witches?" she managed.

Florence sighed and turned to take both of Elizabeth's hands in hers. "Dear, there are always bad people. It doesn't matter if they're politicians, chefs, teachers or magic users. There is no good or bad magic, just people who misuse it. The ability to commune with the dead can be used to bring closure to the living, or to create minions. Animal magic can give tranquility and balance to things and to protect the animals, or can be used to attack and harm." She rubbed her thumbs over the back of Elizabeth's hands. "Even elemental magic can be used for good or bad. It's all in who uses it and why."

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