Chapter 15

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After Elizabeth had explained everything that she knew, Florence simply sat with clasped hands. She stared straight ahead for a long while. When she finally spoke her voice was monotone and flat, carefully controlled to sound calm. "If that's all true, what do you propose we do?"

"Hawthorne said something about a coven," she offered. "Is that anything special, or is it just a gathering of witches?"

Florence seemed to mull that over and nodded. "It's just a gathering of witches. It couldn't hurt a bit to have everyone get together. Get different opinions and views on it and try to come up with a plan to keep everyone safe. I just don't know how we'd gather everyone."

The younger woman thought it over and then got her phone out of her satchel. "I have an idea." She sent a quick text message to the alchemist. How would we get a coven together safely?

Use the website. General chat. Mark it urgent. I heard about the fae shop owner. Is this about that? The reply came quickly. She had probably been either on her phone already or right by it.

"Florence, I'm going to find a way to get everyone together. For now, stay inside as much as you can. I don't know how long this is going to take." She headed downstairs quickly and got onto the computer, logging back onto the forum as soon as she could. She started a new thread in the general chat and marked it as urgent, using all caps in the subject.

She tried to be as general as she could, simply saying that because of 'current issues' they needed to get together and discuss a plan of action.

Almost immediately there was a reply from ElixerMixer.

I can host. I have the space and you guys know how to get to me. If not then get someone to vouch for you and privately message me.

Soon the messages started rolling in from, presumably, anyone local. Most of them were simply saying that they would be there, with one asking for an address.

Elizabeth went back upstairs to Florence. "It's going to be hosted at the alchemist's house. She suggested seven tonight."

The older woman nodded and fussed with the laundry she'd brought upstairs to put away. "Yes, that'll work." She set her half-full basket aside and straightened up, nervously smoothing out her clothing. "I don't know what's going on. I don't know if it's as dire as you're making it sound but no matter what we need to be ready for a dangerous situation in case it arises." She began to pace, Elizabeth hanging back to watch.

"Yes. Like the saying goes, hope for the best but plan for the worst."

She managed a weak little smile and Florence nodded to her. "You're right, dear. If nothing else then maybe we'll be able to simply do a nice little gathering."

Elizabeth left to practice her healing magic before the gathering. She was distracted again and two of the three attempts at the cut salve failed. The burn creams didn't fare any better and, rather than continue to waste materials, she decided to just gather the two that worked and call it a day. At least these came to her significantly faster. It was about four in the afternoon. Elizabeth added those jars to her bag and carefully tucked in her healing spell book. She still didn't feel hungry, so she set a timer on her phone for fifteen minutes before the meeting and pulled out her easel. She set a canvas on it that she'd begun to sketch before, continuing on with the rough drawing. It would evolve into a waterfall set back in a forest eventually. She was sorely tempted to add a figure under the water, but that could be added later if she so chose.

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