Chapter 5

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The small remaining time of the weekend seemed to flow by like sand through a sieve.

She tried out the water spell after the fourth wind vial, creating a series of waves in a bowl of water strong enough to slosh the liquid out. After quickly mopping the floor, she had to go outside into the garden. A cup of soil and a rosebud were both easy enough to procure, and after adding a special dried root and crystal into the soil and doing a quick enchantment, the bud bloomed beautifully. Elizabeth happily put it onto her windowsill, adding the tiny bit of water left in the bowl. She'd never really tried to keep a plant alive before, but perhaps with the aid of magic she could keep it from withering away.

The fire spell was soundly ignored.

Elizabeth knew in the back of her mind that she would likely have to try that at some point, but for now it could be put off. She had to do another run to the fairy market to continue with the more advanced spells. The next round of spells were similar to the first but more strong, recommending that they be done outside and, in the case of the second-tier fire spell, with a fire extinguisher ready. Elizabeth swallowed thickly and planned a trip to a store that might have them if she ever got the courage to try that sort of enchantment.

By the time that Monday rolled around, she'd completely forgotten the phone call that she had made to the doctor's office. However, just after eight in the morning her phone rang.


"Elizabeth, this is Doctor McMurray's office returning your call."

She jolted, eyes wide. "Oh! Hello. Thank you for calling me back."

"The doctor would like for you to come in as soon as possible. He'll make time for you any time before four this afternoon." The receptionist, as always, sounded slightly bored when she spoke.

Elizabeth bit her lower lip and eyed the leather bound book on her table. She was less and less sure that this was all a hallucination, but people had thought that before. That's why they could lose themselves in delusions-they always felt real to the person dealing with it.

"Miss Carver?"

"Oh! Yes. I'm sorry about that. I was... Distracted. I'll be there as soon as I can." She ended the call quickly, rushing to get her things together. She reached for the book and then thought better of it, simply taking her wallet in her messenger bag. A short walk to the bus station and two transfers later and she stood in front of the building that Doctor McMurray's office was in. It was nothing special in the least, just a plain gray building with large windows. It was on the border of the city, whereas Elizabeth lived in a small town nearly an hour away. She stepped inside and let out a rather happy little sigh at the rush of cool, dry air, heading right to the elevators. The doctor's office was on the third floor, and Elizabeth reached it just a few minutes later.

She was even seen quickly by the doctor, which surprised her a bit. Perhaps, she thought, it was because of the potentially serious nature of hallucinations. Having calmed the slight unease building in her chest, Elizabeth stepped back to his office. She sat on the plush couch provided, waiting for the doctor to step inside. Elizabeth looked out the window to the busy street below, vaguely noting how the room always seemed to smell ever so slightly of cinnamon. She became lost in her thoughts to the point of startling when the doctor stepped inside.

Doctor Henry McMurray was perhaps her father's age, though his hair was thinning and gray where her father's was still thick and dark. His eyes were a dark brown and the color left in his moustache was a straw blonde. He had a paunch that he tried to hide with loose sweater vests and pleated slacks. He smiled encouragingly at Elizabeth as he moved to take his seat, picking up a clipboard and pen. "So you've been having hallucinations? I see that they must not have gotten to the point that you felt the need to check yourself into an urgent care facility."

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