Chapter 16

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Elizabeth immediately rushed to her bedroom, scrambling to boot up her laptop. While it started she sent a text to Audrey.

Florence isn't here. Her car is but she's gone. I don't know if she even made it home after the meeting last night.

The reply came quickly, as usual. She's with me. Call. Too much for over text.

She immediately hit the phone icon on the text archive, putting her phone to her ear. The alchemist picked up after a single ring. In the background was a muffled argument between a male voice and Florence's over if she should leave or not.

"Please come get her," came the clipped voice from the other end of the call.

Elizabeth grabbed her chalk. "I'll be right over." She hung up and grabbed her satchel on the way to her doorway. She quickly drew the transportation sigils on it and stepped through, arriving at the alchemist's back yard. She rushed into the house, only belatedly realizing that she was still barefoot and in her pajamas and robe. She blushed and pulled the sash a little tighter, feeling utterly mortified as she stepped inside.

At the kitchen counter was Florence, dressed in her same capris and yellow floral blouse from the night before. She had no shoes on for once, and by the back door Elizabeth saw why: one of the heels had broken and both shoes were covered in mud. The centaur-currently in human shape-sat with her at the table. The alchemist was speaking on the phone in her living room, back turned to them. Elizabeth rushed to sit beside her landlady, who was cradling a cup of coffee in her hands.

"I don't think I've ever seen you drink that," she said quietly. The older woman looked at her and laughed, though it was hollow. She had large circles under her eyes and was almost paper white. "Well, the only tea she had was that awful stuff you buy at the store. She has quite a selection of coffee though. Thought I'd give it a try."

The centaur nodded slowly. "Yes, well. She told me once that she's fueled by a careful balance of alcohol and caffeine. I at least try to get her to drink good coffee rather than energy drinks."

The alchemist came to join them at the table. "Yeah, Kendal orders me good beans and creamers. Still working on the tequila though." She nudged her husband with her shoulder, giving him a smile.

He rolled his eyes. "And the cheap wine."

"I like the cheap wine."

"I know."

Florence looked aghast at the playful banter and slowly shook her head. "So what now? I had to run for my life and you're acting like everything's fine!"

The alchemist slowly turned her head to the older woman. "I've called the fae. They're on their way. We'll try to sort this all out. For now, you really shouldn't go anywhere on your own."

Florence was about to snap something back but Elizabeth quickly leaned forward, trying to diffuse her anger. "Please, tell me what happened. We're all so worried about you at the house and I don't know anything that you went through."

Pacified, Florence leaned back in her chair. She took a sip of coffee before speaking. "Well," she explained slowly, "I was going to just go to the store. We were completely out of eggs and I thought it wouldn't be too bad to just run to the corner store, so I went out to get in my car." She took another sip, making a small face at the taste-or the memory. "When I was going out there, the necklace I had enchanted started to feel hot. I was about halfway to my car then, so I turned to head back inside and there was someone standing there between me and the house." She took a deep, shaking breath and slowly let it out. "I turned back to the car and someone stepped out from behind it. They both were men I'm guessing, but they were wearing all black with masks on. Just as they started towards me, I took off running." She let out a weak laugh, turning the cup in her hands.

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