Chapter 7

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Elizabeth locked herself in her bedroom after a quick trip to the communal kitchen. She carefully held a lighter in her hand; one of the long ones meant for grills. She set it carefully on her table, eyeing it as though it might leap to life as she went to pick up her spell book. With a dry mouth and shaking hands she drew out the fire spell's sigils on her floor, eyes repeatedly flitting up to the lighter. A small part felt a familiar thrill at seeing it, though that was far outweighed by her dread. She read the spell, following the directions to the letter.

She plucked a strand of hair and wrapped the end of it around a red-orange crystal and then molded wax around them both, forming a candle with her hair as the wick. She set that in the center of the circle, hesitating before taking the lighter up. It felt heavy in her hands and took a few tries to light. She forced herself to take a steadying breath and set the exposed hair alight. It crackled to life with a bright orange flame. She quickly set the lighter back on the table, having to push it back with her fingertips so that it wouldn't fall. She winced as she felt the heat on the ends of her long digits but quickly pushed that out of her mind. She picked up the leather tome, reading quietly from it.

"Spirits of fire, hear my call. Let the flame bend to my will."

Hesitantly, she extended her hand towards the flame. It pushed back away from her, and she let out a small sigh of relief. Next, Elizabeth lifted her hand above it. As her palm rose, so did the flame. It seemed to be reaching for her, though it kept down enough that she wasn't in danger of a blister from the heat. The girl spent a few moments twisting her hand one way or the other, watching as the flame bent itself at nearly a ninety degree angle each direction. She was beginning to relax then, even allowing herself a small smile. She slowly rolled her hand, palm going up to the ceiling. The flame swirled and formed a loop, holding itself there.

It wasn't long before the wax had completely melted, apparently taking the crystal with it. The instant that the flame disappeared into smoke so did the markings from her chalk.

Elizabeth studied the book again, rather surprised at what she found. When she had completed the first tier of spells for the other elements, the more advanced versions had translated themselves throughout the pages. She could read how to enchant a bowl to fill itself with water, or mix an aquatic spell with wind to bring rain. If she combined those two with earth she could even plant a seed and have it immediately grow and bloom before her very eyes. However, she only found one other fire spell. It was for summoning a flame-a simple looking thing, nowhere near as complex as the others.

The young woman frowned, tilting her head and worrying her lower lip gently between her teeth. She doubted, somehow, that there were only two enchantments for flame available. However, the only few pages left in indecipherable runic were towards the back of the tome, with a warning before them.

The following spells are considered advanced. Do not attempt to skip ahead to them.

If possible, use ample precautions and have a more experienced spellcaster at hand.

She sighed and closed the book, then reached up to rub at her eyes with the heels of her hands. She should be relieved, really; it seemed for all the world as if her specialty wouldn't be fire after all. However, it felt strangely like she'd been robbed of something to not be able to make that choice.

Shaking her head to clear it, Elizabeth put her spell book on the soft duvet covering her bed and moved to put the lighter back in the kitchen. She'd just placed it back in its drawer when she felt a strange crawling sensation, skin pricking up into gooseflesh.

Something's here, she thought suddenly. The feeling of being watched was overwhelming. Elizabeth forced herself to move slowly, to look as casual as she possibly could as she lifted her head, tucking a messy bunch of curls back behind one ear to clear her peripheral vision. Whatever was watching would surely be on the alert for having been caught. She began to stroll as calmly as she could around the kitchen, tidying here and there and humming to herself. Act casual, she told herself. In reality, she could feel her pulse pounding in her throat. She made a small show of getting out a towel and wiping down the kitchen sink, allowing her eyes to roam up to the small window behind the faucet.

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