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"How are you feeling, Diana?" Zayn asked, his soft hands trailing along her jawline, stopping only to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear. They had been sitting in her mother's hospital room for two days now, just talking and sleeping- and waiting.

"I'm fine" she mumbled, tucking her head into the crook of his neck, her hands figeting with her bracelets on his lap.

"You're not" Zayn retorted before wrapping his arms around her, enceloping her in his warmth.

"Maybe I'm not, but that's not what matters is it? What matters is what's happening with my mother. I hate this waiting, Zayn. I hate it" Diana quietly said, moving from her position on the chair to stand up, walking over to the windows and opening the bleak curtains, letting in some light. Her oversized white t-shirt draped over her tired figure, before stopping at the waist band of her shorts, tucked in. (It was Zayn's shirt, actually: she stole it from him yesterday, stating that her clothes were simply too small, and she was in need of some comfort. Of course Zayn was willing to oblige.) Her light denim shorts and black knee-high socks somewhat covered her pale legs and her hair was tied up in the messiest bun possible... but that was okay.

Zayn took in the sight before him, silently calling her an angel in this place of darkness. He hoped she knew that- he hoped she knew how she changed him in the best way possible.

Diana then turned around, facing him. Stalking towards him, she smiled- it was the type of smile that went all the way to her eyes, and he loved it.

"Tell me about your dad" she suddenly said, lightly pecking his forehead before settling down in the seat beside him.

"I mean, you don't have to if you don't feel comfortable with it, its just that I would rather you remember the happy things about him and maybe telling me will help you in some way? I don't know... actually nevermind, I-"

"It's okay, really" he chuckled as he cut her off, grabbing her hand and lighly kissing each finger before entangling them with his. Her flustered expression soon changed to calm, his touch soothing her worries. Taking a deep breath, Zayn looked up at the ceiling, towards the flickering light, and exhaled slowly, letting all his fear run out.

"I don't really have many memories of my dad. Most of the vibrant ones revolve around hospitals" he began, rubbing his thumb along Diana's.

"He used to take me to the park a lot. There was one down the road from our house... it had a lake and willow trees and it was so beautiful. He would take me there every now and again, and we would feed the ducks or chase the few birds that hung around," Zayn paused, sighing to himself at the memory.

"One time when we were there, an ice cream truck stopped near us. I was so excited, my family wasn't big on letting me have ice cream" He laughed, screwing his eyes shut.

"I begged and begged dad to let me have some, and he just kept shaking his head and telling me no, because he knew how I got on sugar. But somehow I finally convinced him, and I swear I was the happiest kid on earth."

"That's so sweet," Diana said, kissing Zayn's hand, letting it linger for a while. He leaned into her, resting his head on her shoulder. A deep sigh escaped his mouth, his warm breath fanning over her neck, leaving goosebumps in its wake.

"He's in a better place now, Z" Diana whispered into his hair, running her fingers through his dark locks.

"I like that" he said, looking into her eyes.

"Like what?"

"When you call me Z, I really like it" Zayn smiled, pecking Diana on the nose.

"Do you know what else I really like?" he asked, sitting up before silently leaning in, his face inches away from hers.

"What?" she replied, looking into his eyes.

"You" he whispered, kissing her.

only a short one this time, but there's only one more chapter & and epilogue left :)

also thankyou for being so patient with me, I've had the worst writers block lately and nothing has been able to motivate me to write bc I've been doing so many essays for school ugh

thankyou all so much, I love you


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2015 ⏰

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