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Eren Jeåger was always looking for love; all he ever truly wanted was to meet his soul mate and live happily ever after. This odd dream, for a child, most likely started from Eren always being a very curious child. So, of course, when he learned of the magical story of his parents love transcending even a great war, he immediately wanted to experience this for himself. At the age of six he had already kissed ten of his friends. He didn't have a crush on any of them or anything like that, but in the world that Eren lives in, a soul mate's not hard to find. All you have to do is kiss someone on the lips; if your eye color changes, they're your soul mate. Thus Eren devised a plan to kiss everyone he knew. And after years of him doing exactly that, he finally has gotten . . .

exactly nowhere.

Blended EyesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ