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"Hey um Mikasa can I d-do something?" Armin asked stuttering and mumbling.

Eren, Jean, Marco, Connie, and Sasha had just dared Armin to kiss Mikasa. They were so extremely content with themselves you could offer to pay them a million dollars to stop smiling, and you still wouldn't get the shit eating grins off their faces.

"Yeah sure, what is it Armin?"

"This" Armin responded then kissed Mikasa. . . on the cheek. Then Armin immediately stood, back straight.

Mikasa began to speak, "Wh-why did y-you do that?" Mikasa asked stuttering.

"B-because I'm in love with you" Armin responded quietly, hoping Mikasa didn't hear.

"Y-you are?"

"Y-yes" Armin wispered preparing for rejection.

"I-" Mikasa collected herself, "I love you too"

"I under- WAIT YOU DO?!"

"Yes idiot" Armin gaining all the courage he has and probably ever will have kissed Mikasa passionately, on the lips this time.

When the need for air arose the two broke apart and stared at eachothers eyes, which were no longer brown or blue, but a mix between the two.

"You're my soul mate" Mikasa stated breathlessly.

"And you mine," Armin responded smiling. "Wooo-hooooo!" Connie yelled.

"Woop" Sasha added.

"Weiiiwooooo" Eren whistled.

"Haha" Jean chuckled after whistling with Eren.

"Good for you" Marco politely congratulated.

"Thanks, you guys" Armin responded rapping his arm around Mikasa's waist.

"Now it's my turn right" Armin continued.

"Ooooooo" Connie and Sasha said in unison.

"Since Jean dared me to do this I have to repay the favor,"

"Uht oh, you're in for it Jean." Eren mocked.

Armin walked calmly up to Jean and whispered in his ear his dare.

Jean's eyes widened, "Dammit, I only told you because you never say anything; I guess I knew this would come back to bite me."

Jean slowly walked over to Marco and whispered in his ear.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

        ~~~~~~MARCO'S POV~~~~~~

"You know Marco, I've always thought your voice sounded like caramel drizzled on ice cream and your skin a milky honey so sweet only the gods could partake in its taste" And with that, my face just made a new shade of red.

"Wh-what are you talking about Jean?"

"Do I have to spell it out for you Marco?" He asked with a dazzling smirk.

". . ." I had no words just odd jumbled sounds.

"I L. O. V. E. Y. O. U, Marco"

"What-what, what  are you talking about, is th-this the dare, because it's not funny" I was starting to get mad; it isn't funny playing with someone's feelings like that. Especially when Armin knows I've been in love with Jean since I met him.

"Marco, the dare was to tell you how I truly feel about you, and, believe it or not, I love you" Jean stated flustered and angry.


"Marco I understand you don't feel the same way, so please just don't." Jean stated looking away.

I need to tell him the truth befor I lose him.

I gathered up all my courage and finally said what's been on my mind for what seems like forever, "I love you Jean; I've loved you since the minute I laid eyes on you."

". . . You're not joking right? Because Marco, I swear if you're joking, I will never talk to you again."

"I'm not joking" and then he did it; what I've wanted him to do for years, he finally did it.

He kissed me, and I kissed back.

= = =  = = = NO ONES POV= = = = = = = = "Okay Romeo and Juliet that's enough" Eren mocked.

"Shut up titanic retard. You're just jealous. I mean come on ever since we were kids all you've ever wanted was to fall in love you kissed all of us to test if one of us was your soul mate." Jean stated matter-of-factly.

"Okay maby I'm a little jealous horse face, but that doesn't mean we need to see you two make out all day. It was starting to get a little R rated befor I stopped you." Eren joked.

"Whatever" Jean huffed wrapping his arm around Marco's waist. Marco blushed and quietly apologized holding Jean close.

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