Football the Worst Sport Ever

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"Okay class today we are going to play football, and no, I do not care if you are a girl or a guy; you're going to play. DEAL WITH IT. Okay, so, this is called tag football. Once you get the ball you freeze and have to throw it befor you move again; you get a point if you get the ball to the other side or goal. I'm splitting you into two groups then two teams. 9th graders left side 10th graders right. Okay you are playing on HALF of the football field do not get in eachothers way because you will be hurt. Okay 9th graders class A is team 1; class b is team 2. 10th graders class A is team 1; class B is team 2. Erwin you start this side."

"Yes sir"

"Connie you start this side"


"Okay everyone, GO!" Connie immediately threw the ball to Jean as Erwin threw the ball to Mike.

"Marco, catch!"

"Got it" As the game preceded Team 1 was wining on 9th grades side and team B on 10th.

For the last point of the game, befor gym was over, Jean threw the ball to Eren who was running to the goal; at the same time as Hanji threw the ball to Levi who was also running to the back. It was all part of her plan she just hoped no one warned them befor 'it' was too late.

"Levi watch out"

"Eren watch out"

Eren and Levi turned at the exact same time, exactly perfect for Hanji's plan, and collided.

This was no ordinary running into eachother moment; this was a running into eachother then ending up kissing moment.

Hanji grinned from ear to ear watching it all play out exactly how she wanted it.

Eren and Levi were stunned to say the least not only had they just kissed in front of a lot of people, but they don't have the same eye color they had befor the kiss.

No they had blended eyes, silver meeting turquoise, turquoise meeting silver; it was really beautiful, two soul mates accidentally finding eachother.

It should be right out of a story book, except for one problem these two are mortal enimes.

"Y-y-your e-eyes are-are dif-erent?" Eren questioned, stuttering horribly in disbelief.

"So are y-yours" Levi Rivalle does NOT stutter, in bold, italics, and caps lock NOT. But here he is stuttering and astonishing the world.

"Th-that means I'm y-your s-s-s-soul ma-ma-mate" Eren stated more to himself than anyone else.

"And that I'm yours" Levi stated, not really all there.

"I-I got to go" Eren said running to his next class not caring that they weren't released yet.

Levi sat unable to move while Hanji took him to the nurse because he wasn't responding.

And when he did responded all he said was, "Football is the worst sport ever" in a voice so terrifyingly calm it should be in a horror movie.

Blended EyesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz