Doof (okay i dont do names)

204 4 14

Doctor POV

I was sat underneath the controls, trying to fit in another button (I was hoping it would take us to a random place, because Graham and Ryan were becoming REALLY indecisive and it is annoying trying to come up with a place that fit the criteria of safety and that I was allowed on) listening to music. I'd never heard the song that was playing, but I could tell I liked it.

I was mulling over the events of the day. Earlier, I had gone to find Yaz and ask her if she wanted to go swimming. Or reading. I can't quite remember, but I wanted to go to the library with her at least. I then realised she was listening to music through her phone. I was aware of YouTube and music, obviously, but it seemed like an interesting talking point. I always want to talk more with Yaz. She's so interesting, and I can just get lost in her warm eyes for days on end - I won't though, that's a bit weird.

'Hey Yaz! Whatcha listening to?'
She looked a bit shocked to see me, but answered soon enough.

'Just music. I'm a bit busy today Doc, sorry and all that. Paperwork.' She gave a nervous grin and I nodded.

'Oh yeah... that's fine. Fine, fine, fine.' I got up to leave, wanting to cry for some reason. Why am I crying over somebody being too busy to do something? I hate emotions sometimes.

'Doctor?' Yaz said my name more like a statement than a question, and I popped my head round the door quickly. Too quickly. Cringing as I hit my chin on the doorframe, I allowed myself a few seconds of self-pity at my awkwardness before gathering my senses.

'Doof, I've made a mark!' I was just filling in the silence but she looked calm. I added a quick 'sorry' and walked over to sit next to Yaz's desk, on her bed.

'You teabag. Let's have a look at that shall we?' She gestured for me to look up and then ran her finger along what I can only assume was a bruise on my chin. It hurt a lot, and she pulled away her hand quickly when she saw me pull a face. 'Now how did you hit your chin so hard that it moulded the doorframe?'

She was teasing me for being an idiot, so I just gave a weak smile. 'Dunno. Wanted to talk to you, I s'ppose.'

She shook her head. Blushing. I can't believe it I made Yasmin Khan blush! I felt myself grinning as she looked down at her hands, curled up on her lap as I sat cross-legged on her bed. Quickly, she looked up at back at my chin, tutting playfully.

'Oh Doctor, what are we going to do with you?' I smiled politely once again, too distracted how close she was to actually manage words. Looking into her brown eyes, I saw Yaz looked slightly sad. Why was she sad? My face fell again.

'Have I upset you? I'm so sorry, I can fix your door? Or a new room? I-'

She pressed her lips against mine and I froze. Yasmin Khan. Kissing me? The pain on my chin confirmed it was real, and I froze up. What if she was just being polite? Or maybe that's just what friends do now? She pulled away clearly embarrassed, and I know I should have kissed back, but I was still too busy staring like an idiot.

'Sorry- I just- I thought something' Yaz was panicking now, and it was all my stupid fault. I nodded stupidly, and tried to find words. Eventually, I figured out what I was going to say.

'Do-do you want to go to the library? That was not what I was planning to say, and she looked as confused as I felt. 'Sorry. I'm-'

She kissed me again. This time I didn't hesitate in kissing back, smiling at how close she was.

'Yes Doctor, I want to go to the library.' She made an 'O' shape with her mouth, and then pushed her chin up. I can remember Missy doing that once, so I understood it meant I was gawping at her like a fish. Still awkward. Nice to know.

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