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[hey guys! hope you're having good days!! I've still got the annoying case on, but I've decided to bite the bullet. (that's a saying I'm not just eating bullets). this is just so I can get back into the rhythm of writing 13 properly. enjoy :D (((I didnt proof read))) ((((I never do))))]


We're sat on uncomfortable chairs, our hands curled up together. The Doctor is looking around rapidly, no doubt bored of sitting around waiting for our gate to open.

'I don't see why we couldn't just go in the Tardis.' I tut playfully at this and turn to her.

'We're just doing something normal. You know, human-y like you said you wanted to do.' I peck her on the cheek and she smiles. 'How far are you into that book?'

The Doctor has chosen a large book written in Gallifreyan. 'Not too much. Should be able to finish it on the plane. Why are you so obsessed with doing-' She does air quotes. '- "human-y" stuff?'

I laugh slightly, thinking about my answer. She's waiting, and I go for funny. 'Have you any idea how bad the jetlag gets on the Tardis? Honestly! Not all of us have space-legs like yours!'

The Doctor is hooting with laughter now, so I tug on her sleeve a little to calm her down. Now she's looking right at me. 'You're funny. How did you get funny?'

I'm not sure whether there that's a joke, so I laugh and place my hand back in the Doctor's. 'Are we playing twenty questions?'

She shakes her head, still smiling. 'How did I end up with you, hey? The best person in the universe.'She's resting her head over my shoulder and reading my book - a mystery. 'This seems interesting. What's happened so far?'

Doctor's POV

Honestly, if it was anyone else I wouldn't be interested in what happened in the book. Yaz, however, is a different story. She's smiling while talking animatedly. Making a mental note to ask her about these things later, I nod and smile enthusiastically. Seeing how excited Yaz is, talking about her book, makes me incredibly happy.

'So, who do you think did it - killed Mister Smith, I mean?' She's stopped, and seems to be in her own world, so I settle my gaze on her, admiring Yaz's beauty.

'I don't think anyone did it.' I tilt my head, and Yaz brings her hand up to my face to stroke my cheek. 'Really. None of them had the motives or the courage. Mind you, courage is the wrong word, cowardice would be better.'

'I love you.' And it's true. The way she sees the world is so new and exciting, anyone who doesn't immediately fall for her would be a fool - and I'm hers. 'Carry on.'

'Where was I... Oh yeah! I don't think they killed Mister Smith. Mister Smith faked his death.'

This feels familiar. 'What are you reading?'

She hands the book over to me, and I feel sick. 'I-I- This is me.'

'What? What do you mean-' I explain to her that Mister Smith was me - or I was him - and this was my story. She nods and pulls me closer. 'I'm so sorry. Do you need to talk to anyone?'

I shake my head, but still pull myself closer to her. Yaz makes me feel safe and happy. 'It's okay, Yazzie-' I use her nickname to show her it's alright. '-you couldn't have known. Carry on reading. Interesting story, that is, you might just find you're the smartest detective in the galaxy.'

'I'm- what? No way have I guessed that. Surely-' I cut her off.

'No, only you have been able to guess that. Congratulations, Detective Khan, you solved the biggest mystery in the universe.' She beams, and I kiss her. 'We should go now, right?'

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