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[There are not enough thasmin quarantine stories so- also another one from the Doctor's point of view because I feel like she has a FAT crush on Yaz that is never talked about in fanfics. Also while I was typing this I accidentally typed 'famfics' and laughed at my own joke for several minutes. Sorry I'll do the fic now. Also, you'll be pleased to know that I watched exactly ONE episode of s11 to get the feeling of Yaz's flat. And I can remember it from watching Hank Zipzer because BBC only have one flat]

Doctor POV

I've been staying with the Khan family for 4 weeks now. They say I'm no trouble but I do worry that I annoy them with my boredom - just last week I almost blew up the apartment while trying to make the sofa fly. It's getting really grinding now, this whole quarantine thing, and personally I don't think I can get the virus, but I think of it as an act of solidarity to Yaz and the fam. Especially Yaz, I'm worried that if I leave she'll think I don't care, when the opposite is true. I care so much. Too much. I know it's going to be a problem if I bring it up, so much could go wrong. She could leave, and tell the others, and I'll be alone. Thinking about it, without Yaz I would probably die - no this isn't an exaggeration, many times have I charged straight into a death trap only for her to have a hand on my shoulder, warning me, telling me to think. I love her so- what? What do I mean love her? Shut up thoughts!

Checking the time now. Damn. 4:37 in the morning. I'm bored, and want to wake Yaz up. I miss her. Really it's pathetic, I saw her yesterday and I'm already thinking about how much I want to hear her voice. Eh, may as well do something with the... five hours until she wakes up. I pull out my list of things to do, and realise that I've done it all. That's really not good, I'm going to die without anything to do! Actually, I should clean up. It's the least I can do. I've made such a mess here and not done anything about it. Cleaning time!

All seems to be going well, I managed to make the vacuum cleaner quiet. I love vacuum cleaners, they're so smart. I'll talk with Yaz about how clever an idea they are later. Wait, I'm supposed to be distracting myself. What's next? Oh. Mopping. I hate mopping, it seems so fun and then you put on socks so you don't make the floor dirty or get your feet sticky and then now you've got wet socks. Eugh. But, sometimes we've got to make sacrifices, I'm sorry feet. Starting to mop now, I've put the kettle on. I want tea. It's 6:21 now, so I suppose not much time would be wasted eating biscuits, maybe they have custard creams! Kettle has boiled now, so I am going to pour it into the tub and start washing the floor. It's not too bad! I get the whole flat done in 12 minutes and sit down. 6:35 and I've cleaned the flat, well done me. Thanks, me. I wonder how Me is doing, actually, if she's cooled off from her 1000 year anger, or whether I've doomed yet another life.

No, bad. Bad thoughts, not allowed, not allowed. Distract! I take out my sonic, maybe I can add a wood option! That'll help a lot. Yeah I'll think about that but- is this enough? Sure I've cleaned the flat but I've essentially crashed into their lives and now I'm doing the bare minimum. I know! I'm going to make a cake, maybe I'll tell Yaz how special she really is, while I'm at it. Great idea! Time-check? 7:01. How much time have I been thinking? I laugh at the thought of my life being written by someone who as no concept of time. Cake! Maybe I'll check the internet for a good recipe... nah, I'll wing it. Go with my heart. Weird thing for my heart to tell me but it'll do. To the kitchen!


I wake up to a screeching noise that sounds... like machinery? OH NO. The doctor will be awake by now which means... I remember the time she tried to make our flat bigger with 'Timelord technology', but really just made everything smaller by a few inches. I shouldn't give her a hard time, though, she's stayed when she had no reason to - she's allowed to be bored. Hell, I'm bored, and I can't imagine what it's like for her fast brain. Groaning, I get out of bed pulling on a dressing gown and giving a small nod to the blue box that has taken up residence in my room. It wheezes in response, which I'm yet to figure out if that's good or bad - it can't be too bad, as I haven't been flattened by it yet. Time to see what mess the Doctor's made now.

I leave my room and gasp at the state of the living room its... immaculate? I wonder how long she's been up, it must have been a while considering the room is as good as new. My eyes follow round the room and settle on the kithcen. Oh. It appears there's been an explosion of flour and eggs. And, in the middle of the cloud of flour stands an apologetic looking doctor with goggles resting on her head. I love those goggles, it means that she's had an idea that she can turn into real life, which gives her the biggest rush of happiness. Seeing her happy is like sunshine, especially after what happened with the Master, which we haven't talked about. The Doctor is still grinning as I look around her, seeing several cookbooks and a laptop eight a YouTube video up explaining 'how to tell your crush you like them'. I blush, I'd been watching a similar video a few days before that which I was planning to use to tell the doctor about my crush on her. Crush is a small word, I love her, a lot.

She's staring at me staring at the laptop. The lid is quickly slammed down by the Doctor, whose cheeks are crimson red. Embarrassment? Yes. I've only just realised the silence. Silence is easy to ignore when you're surround by a poof of flour smoke, but now it's settled I need to say something.

'What...happened?' Straightforward question, not too bad Khan.

'I-I felt bad. You know, about crashing into your life and ruining it.'

Not the answer I was expecting, but I took her hand. I was warm, but dry with flour. 'You don't need to feel bad, Doc, you've give us more than you can imagine, I'm repaying the favour.'

I tuck a strand of soft hair behind her ear with my free hand and, to my surprise, she holds it. When she speaks again, her voice is quiet; and it sounds as if she's going to cry. 'Really? Even after I, you know, blew up your kitchen?'

She's making a joke, so I laugh to lighten the tension. 'Even after you blew up the kitchen. Now, let's clean this up before my mum wakes up. Tea?'

'Yes please. And, thank you. For being nice about this.' She kisses me on the cheek. What? She seems just as confused as I am.


'I'm sorry. I'll clean this up. You can sit down, if you like. Or I can-' I cut off her sentence by kissing her, and I'm so glad I did. She pulls away after a few seconds, smiling in content. I love her. Burnt down flat or not.


I smile back and nod. She passes me it, along with a note with three words on it. I love you.


Maybe some good things will come out of quarantine.

[I know this is really frikin long, but I got carried away. Please put suggestions : D]

Thasmin oneshots (such an original name)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora