Forget (part 2)

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[hi my friends!! sorry if the last chapter felt a bit void of personality I was trying to show the emptiness caused in the Doctor's life from losing people. (should be back to normal now though). Have a good day!!!!]

Yaz's POV

It's been two months now, since I invited the 'stranger' into my house. She didn't feel like a stranger, even then, she felt like someone I'd loved in a previous life. Weird. It's not like I wasn't aware of rebirth, or whatever, but this felt like a different thing completely. She was closer, like I'd only just lost her. I started dreaming about the Doctor just a week in - not in a strange or creepy way, more like adventures. Space and time, in the box, that's what it was - silly, but in that 'life' I loved her.

It's like 2AM now. She is still up, muttering to herself about 'putting her life in danger'. I'm not sure who 'she' is, but the Doctor doesn't stop mumbling about her while working. Every day the Doctor wakes up, chipper as ever, as if she hasn't spent the whole night awake, talking to herself - touching the watch. It's the watch that I'm most confused about. I recognise it, I know I do. I don't think I'm going to sleep tonight, so I sit up slightly. She's left a note; 'hi yaz, I'm in the garage (again, sorry!!). are you sure you dont want me to pay rent? - doc'. I smile when I see the little heart she's left on the paper.

Honestly, I think I love her in this life. Even the little things, like making tea in the garage as to not wake me up before she's put it on a tray outside of my room and cleaning up wherever she can. Sometimes, when she thinks I'm not looking, the Doctor takes the watch off her wrist, and inspects the back - before glancing up at me and putting it back on. I wish I could ask her about that watch, but it never feels like the right time. Time. I check the digital clock next to my bed, and sigh as I realise I'm not working today. 2:07. Eh, might as well get out of bed and see her.

I tiptoe down the stairs, which is funny to me - I'm the only one in the house, as the Doctor is in the garage. I'm outside now, shivering slightly from the cold. It's half past 2, for Christ's sake, why am I outside? The garage is big - I was lucky that I managed to get such a good place to live. It was convenient, I woke up one morning and there was someone there at the door saying I could get a house. Obviously I took the offer, and now I'm here, in this house on my own with the Doctor. I'm getting closer now, I can hear her mumbling.

Opening the door, I see her hanging upside down off one of the rafters inspecting a small metal device. She's not noticed me yet, even though I've opened and closed the door. Still with the muttering, it's almost rhythmic at this point. I decide to say something. 'H-hey, Doc.'

My voice is rattling and quiet so I try again. 'Morning, Doctor.'

She definitely heard me this time, and she falls off the bar with a clatter in shock. 'Oh my goodness, Yaz, are you okay I'm-'

'Hey I'm not the one who fell several feet onto my head, how are you still alive?' At this, the Doctor nods. I realise she's still on the floor, so I reach a hand out to help her up. She takes it gratefully, and gets up - not using my support much, just holding my hand. Noticing my gaze and my (what I assume to be) red cheeks, she lets go and spins quickly.

'Um. Do you wanna have a look at what I've done? It's going to print toys, and other trinkets like that.' She glances down at the watch. 'Come on I'll show you! Also I'm still offering rent, you know, you've been so kind and I've done nothing but use your garage to make a mess.'

I feel a bit saddened by this. It's not a mess. It's like seeing a bit of her mind, set out in front of me. Obviously I'm not going to tell her that, though, so I try at humour. 'Hey if I made you pay then I wouldn't have an excuse for you to make me tea!'

She laughs slightly, looking nervously over to the area that I could only describe as a 'breakfast area' and the tray that's in front of it. A chart hangs above, with different shades of tea - adorned by notes in her handwriting saying 'You like this one!' and 'She used to have her tea like this'. I remember when the Doctor first started doing this, and she brought this chart up for me to pick out a tea. After picking out a shade - a darker beige - she beamed at me like I'd just told her the greatest news of her life.

'You-you dont mind, do you? The whole breakfast thing?' I shake my head, smiling.

'Doctor?' She tilts her head. I can't believe I'm going to ask this. 'Who's "she"?'

The Doctor bites her lips, and looks at me - clearly trying to figure me out. Putting on the most sympathetic poker-face I can muster, I stare back.

'You know how I asked you if you were missing someone?' Ah, our very first interaction. Awkward as hell. I nod. 'Well.'

Whispering again. Talking too fast for me to decipher the words, but her fingers are grazing the face of the watch again. I think it's a comfort thing for her. 'Doctor? Can I-'

I reach for the watch slowly and clearly, and she pulls it back slightly. 'I can't guarantee you'll be safe, knowing this, are you sure?'

Why? What does the watch have to do with my safety? I think some more. I need to know. Never used to be the prying type, other than the police stuff, but now something is telling me that I need to touch that watch. 'I'm sure.'

She looks at me again, nods, and holds out the hand with the watch on. I take her hand and she smiles - a strange smile, a mix of relief, sadness and regret.

I can feel it now. Like when you've had a dream and suddenly every day objects remind you of the dream. Except this wasn't a dream, I just couldn't remember it. The feelings of several years are all flooding into my brain, I want to cry and laugh at the same time. And I'm looking upon the Doctor with new eyes, with admiration that I knew she'd earnt, with a love that I knew she felt. I'm remembering being sat with her, in front of a fire, her telling me she loves me - me saying it back. I'm remembering the times we had playing up Graham, along with Ryan-

Ryan. Now I am crying, I'm losing my friend all over again. The Doctor doesn't seem too shocked at my reaction, but pulls me in tight, whispering over and over again how much she missed me, and that she doesn't want to let go. I look up at her, still crying slightly, and smile. It didn't feel like an odd place to smile, I'd gotten my memories back, all the love and fun. She smiles back. Time moves in slow motion as I'm still collecting my memories from the past years.

I'm angry at her. I don't know why, but something's telling me it's her fault for letting me go. I remember her holding my hand, how upset she was, yet I'm still angry - and I hate myself for it. The Doctor is nodding sadly as I release my upset on her, now she's crying, and I'm crying. We stop crying, and laugh. It's a strange array of emotions, but that can be expected when I've suddenly got all these thoughts. I kiss the Doctor gently, and for some reason she looks shocked. As if it wasn't to be expected, but she just grins at me like an idiot.

'Welcome back, Yasmin Khan.'

[Hey guys, sorry if it feels a bit rushed!! I'm not sure about the end because (to my knowledge, which isnt very big at this point] I dont think anyone has had there memories given back in depth, so I just kinda ran with it. I'm actually kind of pleased with this idea, but (as per usual) didnt articulate it right. Have a good day!! Any requests in the comments :)]

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