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[this is definitely just going to be dumbass thasmin, also sorry about the name I'm not good at it-]

Doctor POV

We have just gotten back from an adventure on the planet Opaurir (on which Ryan almost got arrested for accidentally threatening an officer of the law) and we are sat in the control room. Yaz's hand is curled up in mine as the Fam and I talk about what just happened - a new tradition.

'I honestly thought you would be executed! Now wouldn't that be a story to tell my mates, eh?' Graham explains, and we all laugh at Ryan spluttering his response.

'Hey! It's the Doc's fault! She never told me what would be offensive.'

'I told you the Tardis translates everything, you don't need to bark at people. It confuses her, you see, you said some offensive stuff, probably won't be going back there until a couple thousand years has passed. You know, to let the tension die down.' Yaz is still looking at me, and I pull her closer, relaxing into her warmth.

'Yeah Ryan, no need to bark at them!' She teases, and I think I hear Ryan mutter 'favourites' under his breath.

'I don't have favourites! You're all my favourites! I can't have a favourite. Now I've said favourite too much.' Squeezing Yaz's hand, I get up to go put the kettle on. 'Tea?'

Everyone nods, and I leave them bickering playfully in the control room, as the Tardis starts talking to me. 'I don't have favourites! Apart from you, you're important. And Yaz. And Graham and Ryan but now I'm back to everyone being my favourite!'

By the time tea is made - one sugar and milk for Graham and Yaz, but no milk for Ryan and milk and six sugars for me (which Yaz says is too much) - they've calmed down and are talking about the sights on our latest trip. Opaurir is probably the most beautiful place in the galaxy, with no real need for law enforcement apart from the massive amount of tourists providing a risk. I decide to busy myself collecting biscuits as opposed to taking about it, for some reason it makes me feel as if these people are just more accessories to cope with the loneliness cursed upon- wait! No, I can't be thinking like that, these people are my friends! Are there enough biscuits? Is it warm enough in the Tardis or should I ask them? I'm distracting myself, that's good. Great job, me! Right. Tea.

I carry out the tray of tea, with each step the contents threaten to fall out of the sides. Smiling, I read the names written onto the mugs, so we don't get mixed up. That would be a good trick! No it wouldn't. Graham is rubbing his hands, ready to snatch up his drink as soon as I get close enough. Ryan is on his phone while Yaz is just thinking. 'Ya-az? Tea? You did want tea, right?'

'Of course dear. Sit down.' We resume conversation, this time with them sitting and nodding while I talk rapidly. Maybe Yaz was right and six sugars is too much.

'So, where was I? Oh! Anyway, I was with an Emperor of Rome - can't remember which one - and we were having a dance party? With like, 21st century music. Very odd!' At that, I waved my hands - forgetting how close Yaz was and smacking her in the face. 'Oh my God! Yaz! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to- did I spill tea on you? Do you need a tissue?'

She's shaking, and I rest a hand on her shoulder, only for her to burst out laughing. 'I knew that would happen one day!'

They're all rolling around, laughing like it was the funniest thing that ever happened, reacting it over and over. 'I didn't mean to! It was an accident!'

Yaz looks up and I give her an over-the-top pout, only for her to laugh more. 'Its okay! I just think its funny that you wave your hands about-' They all mimick the motion. '-and these lot had placed bets on when one of us was going to be smacked in the face!'

They laugh harder. I'm still confused. My hand really hurts, how hard did I hit Yaz?

'I'm okay, don't worry.'

[quite short :) I dont know what to say other than the fact i found it hilarious that nobody has been hit in the face as far as I can remember in modern who by the Doctors waving- Have a good day!!!!]

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