The Day

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'BEEP BEEP BEEP!' The damn alarm clock wouldn't shut up that morning, and I swear it went on longer than it usually doesn't. Maybe because this was supposed to be the best day of my life, I'm not sure. It sure did force me out of bed though, and now I wish I had just stayed in there.
It was the day of my high school graduation. Me, Acadia Rose Larson, would finish my days in school. That was insane to me, and it made me so nervous that I spent the first hour of that morning sick to my stomach. I had to look nice, since the ceremony was later that night. I was awake hours before I needed to so that I could curl my hair and put on a little bit of makeup. I still don't even really know if I liked the look. In my closet, I honestly had one dress, and therefore I would be wearing that dress. It was a little short, cream, loose fitting dress that my mom had forced me into buying months before. She also forced me into a pair of cream colored heels that I was destined to trip and fall in.
Driving to school that morning was weird, because I couldn't get a grip on the fact that it was my last day driving myself to high school. My drive got extended a little bit too, because I found myself needing to stop and get gas. Little did I know that I wouldn't be driving myself all the way to school that morning.

(Disclaimer; I'm so sorry these chapters are so short, I've never written in this kind of style before and I have a lot in my mind planned for the main plot of this story, so I didn't want to spend too much time on the intro sections.
Also, if this story goes as well as I hope it does, I may continue to write more on here. I'm not too sure yet, though. So please give me time to finish things.)

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