Technically Chapter One

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Cold concrete has made the bottom of my feet go numb and the air has made my lips chapped. I have no idea how long I've been down here. A week, maybe a month, I lost count a long time ago. I don't think anyone is coming back for me at this point. I've tried to tell for help, but no one ever comes. It's as if I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere to starve to death, which I pretty much am. I'm at a point where I'm no longer hungry. It's not hunger that I feel, it's just an all over pain. How I'm not dead yet, I don't know. I should be. I almost want to be at this point, it would stop my suffering. If they haven't found me by now, they may never. Hell, I could already be dead and just think I'm alive for all I know. Or I could be unconscious and this is all my dream. I wish it was a dream.
I can't stop thinking about Grayson. He may never know how I feel about him. Actually, he may never even know my real name. He knows it's not actually Acadia, but he hasn't tried to pressure it out of me or anything.
The day I met him, I had decided to wait to tell him. I don't know when I would have told him, but eventually. Mainly if he told me he loved me too, I might would have told him then. Or not. Even I don't know what I would decide in the moment.
A loud BANG came from above somewhere. I prayed it was someone who could get me out.
"HELP!" I yelled as loud as I could.
"SOMEBODY, PLEASE!" It was no good, I could tell nobody was going to let me out.
I leaned my head back against the concrete wall and closed my eyes, praying for what felt like hours.

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