Chapter Three

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My hands move up to cover my open mouth, not even sure what to think. I stand in the middle of the forest, on top of a giant hill. Just beyond I can see snow, and mountains. The thing is, I live in Nevada. Just outside of Las Vegas. My town is basically in the desert. I have no idea where I am, but it's about seventy degrees colder and eighty degrees more elevated than my hometown.
I begin to stumble down the side of the hill I'm on, praying that I'm not very far from civilization. Trying to figure out what state I'm even in, I can only think of places like Montana, Colorado, or maybe even Northern California. I don't know, I've never even seen a mountain before, and now I'm standing in the middle of several. I have no idea how I will get out of here, how long it will take, or even if I will live long enough to find my way out. There's always the chance I'll freeze to death, or get eaten by a bear, or stomped my a moose, I don't even know. I just know one thing; I have to get myself out of here. I will not let myself die. If I died out here, my hometown would never find me, and I cannot die in a place that my parents would never find me.

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