The Capturing

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I remember needing to go inside of the gas station to tell them to pump gas to my spot.
My legs were freezing in the dress, and I had forgotten my jacket at home. Montana air is never hot, no matter what time of the year. As I moved across the walkway to the building, I was basically like a giant huddled up penguin waddling across Antarctica. My long, naturally dark brown hair hung in it's now voluminous, loose curls, and went to the middle of my ribcage. Today was the first day in which I had chosen contacts over my regular prescription Ray Bans that I wear every single day, and I was honestly horrified at how different my look was that day.
I was just about to open the door, when an older, homeless man tapped me on the shoulder. He was saying something about being very poor and asking if I had any spare food or drink of any kind. I was just about to give him some extra dollars from my wallet, when I felt someone else touch me. At first, I thought it was maybe another homeless person, but I was quickly corrected of my miscalculations on that situation.
In a matter of seconds, my body was pulled back and thrown into the back of a moving van. At least I think that's how it went. I'm honestly not too sure, because I hit my head on something back there and it caused me to black out immediately.

I woke up covered in dirt, not sure at all where I was. The walls were dark and I couldn't tell if there was a light anywhere. It literally felt like a box in the ground, but I knew it wasn't. Or maybe it was, I didn't know where I was. The space was tiny, maybe roughly a 6x6 foot cube. Very unlucky for me, considering I'm roughly 5'10. The ground was freezing, and the walls were wooden. I couldn't see the ceiling very well. I tried to move my hands to touch it, but they were tied together behind my back. Someone had wanted to make sure I wouldn't get out of here. I didn't know whether I needed to stay quiet or scream for dear life, would they kill me? Were they right outside or was I dumped in the woods where they would never come back to again? It was killing me that I didn't know what to do. I hadn't known how long I had been blacked out, or what day it could possibly be now, but I knew that someone had to know that I was gone. Grayson would know that I wasn't there, and I know he would call the police in a heartbeat if he knew that I was in danger.

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