Chapter Two

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I'm not entirely sure how many days I've been in this hell hole, but I'm starving. All I've managed to do down here is get an occasional sip from the one water bottle that was down here when I got here. My surroundings haven't changed at all. It hasn't even rained or anything outside.
Over the last few days, I've been getting closer to having the rope on my wrists off. I've been trying to rub it against the wood on the sides of the box, and it's getting close to snapping. Once I get that off, I should be able to get myself out of here. Surely I'm not too far out of town or anything, so I can just walk home and stay in there forever and ever because people scare me. Simple.
My eyes flicker above as I hear a noise. It takes me a moment, but it sounds like leaves crunching. Until I hear an almost undetectable 'ferr ferr ferr' sound, and realize it was a freaking rabbit outside, not like a rescuer or anything. Thanks a lot, bunny.
I keep on rubbing the rope against the wall until I feel like I may be able to snap it. I lean my body up and position myself so that I wont snap my wrists in this process.
Three... two... one... I use all the force I have in my body to yank my arms away from each other. Just when I think it isn't going to work, RIIIP, the last strands of rope pull apart from each other. My hands are finally free, and my wrists are swollen and purple from the strain that they've gone through.

I begin to move to the top of the box, where there's just a little overlap in the wood that wouldn't take much to break through. I find one of my heels lying next to me and just begin to smash the heel into the wood of the box, making little holes until it all just caved in. This is my moment, and I use all of my might to pull my extremely weak body out of the box in the ground. As soon as I get out, I just sit there on my knees for a minute, my eyes wide-eded at what I saw.

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