Chapter 2: The First Day of School

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***Some time l8r, At Hokage Mt.***

°°Kyou's POV°°

It's been a few hours and I've already gotten 'settled' in my new (most likely temporary) home and eaten lunch. Kakashi was currently out on a simple mission while the Hokage brought me to the Hokage mountain to meet my new teacher and classmates.

"Ha ha ha ha! Looooosers! Wanna-be's! You don't have what it takes to do something this low! I rule and you drool!" a blonde boy in an orange jumpsuit shouted as he turned from his graffiti of the mountainside.

"Wow! He's got some talent!" I shouted, earning glares from the surrounding people as the Hokage and I got closer.

"How dare you?! Who do you think you are?!" the old man yelled up to the boy. A man to our right steeped up and put his foot on the bars in front of us.

"Lord Hokage... I can't apologize enough..." he said, taking in a deep breath.

"Uh..." I started slowly, but soon found out what he was holding his breath for.

"What do you think you're doing you idiot?! Get down from there and get back to class!" the teacher yelled. I jumped back away from him while the blonde fluttered around trying to regain his balance.

"Go with them... And don't get into trouble, Kyou..." the Hokage told me as he left.

"Hai, Lord Hokage!" I saluted respectfully, making the same hand sign as Ibiki and Kakashi. He took one last glance over his shoulder before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

***Some time l8r, School House***

°°Kyou's POV°°

"Tomorrow all of your classmates will pass the final and graduate from the Ninja Academy. But the last two times times day came around, you flunked every course you'd taken in the Secret Arts. So you choose now for your stupid tricks?! You moron!" The teacher yelled at the kid, who was currently struggling against the ropes he was bound in.

"Umm... excuse me, Sensei... I'm Kyou Harukamori... I'm new here..." I said, stopping the boy from making some smart ass remark. The teacher looked at me, where I was still shuffling near the door, ready to leave he started yelling at me.

"Oh! Ahh... Wait, Harukamori, is it?" I nodded.

'Why did he need to seem so surprised?' I asked myself. The man opened his mouth to say something, but there was a poof of smoke behind me, causing everyone to look that way. I came face-to-stomach with some random guy with a cat mask.

"Huh?! An ANBU?!" some kids shouted in shock. "I apologize for interrupting, but I was sent with a message for you Master Iruka. You have to come as well, Harukamori-Kun." he Cat-Mask guy said, opening the door to the hallway and leading me out by the collar of my shirt.

"Whoa~!" I shouted as he dragged me out of the room calmly. The teacher followed, his expression matching the other students. Once we were in the hallway, the Cat-Mask guy gave the message.

"The Hokage wants you to teach Harukamori-Kun and have him able to, if possible, graduate by the next exam. There will be more teachers for him to work with after school today. There's more, Harukamori-Kun, you are to go straight home after school today. Your 'guardian' will teach you many of the basics. And now that that's over, one last message for you only, Master Iruka." the teacher, Iruka-Sensei nodded and sent me back to the classroom. I nodded slowly and did as I was told. Upon entering the class, I was met with many curious stares and girly giggles. I stood there confused for a moment before going over to the boy on the floor.

"Uh... Do you think you've been tied long enough?" I asked, looking down at him. The second the words came out of my mouth, the boy spun around and tried to trip me. Many eyes widened at this, but somehow I wasn't at all surprised. I calmly back flipped away and landed on one hand, slowly falling back onto my feet before straightening out.

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