Chapter 8: Looking Into the Past

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***4 Hours Later, Kakashi's Kitchen***

°°Kakashi's POV°°

I watched silently as Kyou cursed, trying to figure out where everything was placed in my kitchen. Her face, 10 minutes after entering to room, was beet red and had a frown was plastered to her lips. Kiku sat at the table, in his human form, looking depressed after his help was rejected for the um-teenth time in a row.

"I'm sorry, Kiku. It's just... Kakashi was right when he said I hardly spent time with him. I want this to be special! I mean, he's been nothing but nice to me since I got here... Taking me in, getting me clothes and tools, a place to eat and sleep... I've never had anything like that before." I felt my heart clench slightly as Kiku sighed knowingly. I tilted my head, not understanding what she meant... That was, until she started crying...

"Kyou-Sama... It wasn't your fault... Those people in the other world don't understand what they've missed out on. They are the ones who should be crying, not you." Kiku said, hugging her from behind. This only made Kyou sob softly and turn to cry into his chest.

"Why...? Why do people judge...? What was so off about me that they had to put dead animals in my bags and throw stones at me? Is it because they knew I was different? Or just to make themselves feel better?" she asked, her tears staining Kiku's black tank top. He sighed and shook his head.

"I believe that they saw something to be jealous of... Though they had no reason to do so, they didn't like you. That is their problem. Understand this, Kyou-Sama, humans are fleeting beings, unlike the Harukamori's. They could have just sensed your power and will, but took advantage of you delicate nature, and the fact you were alone. I tell you this because all I see now is a powerful ninja, her powers soon to bud and bloom. You aren't alone in the world, Kyou-Sama. Take that idiot, Naruto, for example... He grew up alone and unwanted, he was beaten and broken, but there he stands powerful and ready to fight for himself and his friends." This got Kyou to smile and laugh.

"My, the way you speak so highly of him makes it seem as if you love him." she teased, going back to the stove. I smirked silently as Kiku turned red.

"Not true! I will only allow myself to have eyes for you, Kyou-Sama!!!" he cried. Kyou smiled down at the pot on the stove and stirred it slowly.

"I thought it was illegal for cousins to be together." she said in a curious manor. Kiku laughed it off.

"That world of yours, Kyou-Sama... It sounds like a place I would destroy..." Kiku muttered in a joking manor, his green eyes flashing to the color of the Harukamori's hypnotic blue. Kyou glared at him, her own eyes lighting to the same hypnotizing shade.

"Quiet yourself, your hunger gets the best of you, I swear." she mumbled crossly, taking a small spoon and dipping it into what looked like soup.

"Taste." she ordered calmly. Kiku blew on it before biting the spoon.

"A bit of salt and you're golden, Kyou-Sama." he commented. She nodded her head and stirred in some salt.

"There, it's done. You can stop hiding outside the door now, Kakashi. Food's ready." Kyou sang, serving two bowls of some and using a small tea bowl for Kiku after he changed back into a chipmunk.

"I will admit, you are a good ninja." I said, sliding into the room.

"Thank you... Ah, I made chicken noodle soup... I hope it's okay..." she said handing me a spoon. I smirked slightly and pulled down my mask to eat. Kyou didn't seem to really care when I pulled my mask down. She never made a comment or a face. She never stared for too long either. I guess that's what made me so comfortable with her around... I didn't have to hide my most secret sin. (I laugh at the thought). Kyou sat down in front of me and bit her lip as I took my first bite.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2022 ⏰

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