Chapter 5: Of Animals and Kyou

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***15 Minutes Later, Outside Konoha***

°°Kyou's POV°°

"Nya, how much longer?" I asked as I did cartwheels in front of Ibiki and Kakashi as they walked.

"About half a mile, Kyou. Why? Are you tired?" I stopped and looked at Kakashi.

"Does a tired person do cartwheels nonstop for 5 minutes?" the man shrugged and replied.

"I've never done cartwheels for 5 minutes before. It's just been more of a girl thing to me." I felt my eye twitch.

"Thanks..." Even though I am a girl... Suddenly, I froze, feeling a weird pull come over me. The others stopped as well, unaware of the heavy air.

°°3rd Person's POV°°

"Mouse, what's wrong?" Ibiki asked as he placed his hand on Kyou's shoulder. She couldn't hear him though. Nor could she feel the weight of his hand. It was as if the girl was the only one there. After a few long moments, Kyou began to walk again.


"Mouse?! Get back here!" the men tried to stop the girl, but as they went to touch her, their hands passed through her body.

"Kyou... Come home, my dear child... We're waiting for you... Kyou...'" a voice called to the young girl.

"What the hell? Kyou! No!" Kakashi made another move to pull her back, but she had disappeared into mid-air.



But it was already too late. The girl was gone. Teleported into another dimension where only she could be.

°°Kakashi's POV°°

"Kyou?! Kyou?! Kyou, where are you?" I yelled, glancing wildly in every direction. Finally, I turned to Ibiki. "You just had to bring him out here?! Didn't you?! He could've just read about them in a document or something! But now he's gone!" I shouted at the man.

"Don't go blaming me as if I had any idea this would happen! If Kyou wasn't related to the Harukamori Clan then how would this have happened?!" Ibiki yelled back at me, his patience completely gone.

"Kyou's not even from this world! How could he be related to them?!" I asked. The man stopped and panted softly, not having a comeback for that one.

"I don't know. Let's just go report this to the Hokage." I glared at him, but soon agreed. I doubt there's anything we can do alone anyway.

"Alright, let's go." I mumbled, following him away.


°°Kyou's POV°°

"Kakashi?! Ibiki?! Guys?! Where are you?!" I called into the large house I had randomly appeared in. The last thing I remember was Ibiki and Kakashi calling for me and then I was here. Sighing, I began to wonder around the longs halls, turning corners and making sharp turns, trying to find my way out. "Kyou..." the wind blew. Wait, wind?!

"Hello? Is anyone there?!" I called. The strange wind blew again, pushing me down the hall. A second gust forced me down yet another hallway and I ended up in front of a giant door.

'What the kelp?' I thought, pushing the door open effortlessly. Regrettably, the scene on the other side was something I could've done without. Blood splattered everywhere. Dry, flaky, and black with age. The room was gloomy and dark. It stunk of mold and death. Bodies, rotting and mangled lie on the floor in fetal positions. The two biggest bodies, probably the parents, were laid side by side, their hands interlocked with each other.

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